how many plants with 5x5 tent 2 hps 600w

Depends of your grow method.
24plant sog
5 plants with some training.
4 plant scrog

Anything in between.
It’s a matter of filling the whole area to maximize yeild. More plants will do it in less time.

You could even fill that 5x5 with one plant with enough veg

IMO 5 x 5gal pots would be a good start.
Ran that exact set up for a decade no problem, gets a little hot but its definitely do able
Like everyone else said anywhere from 4 to 24 depending on size.
So you could have done the same with 200 less watts
I’ve done a lot of things I learned I could’ve done for less money in growing
No your right you just come out looking like the asshole you are.
The op didn't ask if his 2 x 600 was over kill, he asked how many plants he can put in his 5x5. And you came in here as Mr know it all saying its overkill.
I cover 7x7 with two 600 hps open bulbs I used to cover 6x 6 with 1000

mine is a suggestion based on trial and error
But I’m the “know it all” :hug:
Thanks for blessing this thread with your great wisdom, I'm sure the op is very grateful for your great advice
Your disdain for me doesn’t make my observations invalid. It just makes you look petty
Woahhhh there. Do we to start a mediation forum? Maybe zoom meet over some beers? Its the internet, everyone is an expert, everyone has their opinions and "facts".

Hell, I pulled a pound from my 100w CFL grow. ;) In the summer, in the Mojave, during a drought. Ya'll cant tell me otherwise.

What I'm getting at is your both NOT wrong, what works for Suds may not work for you Blazin, and vise versa.

Blazin, I think I remember you from waaay back when... back in the late aughts.