Age/maturity of plant = potency?

ok your just going by "common consensus" so I wouldn't call that debunked just not a popular option.

I've had this discussion with some others who had failed to produce one shred of evidence other than they're word and insults that I am wrong in believing in this.

This is one reason that the same questions are asked repeatedly. It seems for every question there are multiple answers. Not saying you're wrong
This is one reason that the same questions are asked repeatedly. It seems for every question there are multiple answers. Not saying you're wrong

yeah people always seem to ask what is the one way they should grow, but there's like a million different ways so I guess one can only choose for themselves.
Not many people grow on a large enough scale with enough laboratory control to truly make comparisons of growth patterns in their own environment. For example, there certainly will be strains that do better in your own environment, either indoors or outdoors but how many people actually go through these traits when buying seeds in the first place? Not many percentage wise.

Unless strict controls and measuring is done then it is always a guess in reality to the potency. With yields then that is again largely dependant on strains suiting that environment but influenced by the style of grow and the growers experience and yields will almost always improve with experience.

There have been some studies recently where it has seemed initially that there is a point of diminished returns once they reach a certain size. This seems to be when plants are actually 'exceeding' their 'natural' growth potential. I find that interesting as it has been said for years that the largest buds, that seem to be a craze in some countries (advanced nutrients followers?) seem to have a lower thc content than its smaller siblings.
Not many people grow on a large enough scale with enough laboratory control to truly make comparisons of growth patterns in their own environment. For example, there certainly will be strains that do better in your own environment, either indoors or outdoors but how many people actually go through these traits when buying seeds in the first place? Not many percentage wise.

Unless strict controls and measuring is done then it is always a guess in reality to the potency. With yields then that is again largely dependant on strains suiting that environment but influenced by the style of grow and the growers experience and yields will almost always improve with experience.

There have been some studies recently where it has seemed initially that there is a point of diminished returns once they reach a certain size. This seems to be when plants are actually 'exceeding' their 'natural' growth potential. I find that interesting as it has been said for years that the largest buds, that seem to be a craze in some countries (advanced nutrients followers?) seem to have a lower thc content than its smaller siblings.
it dont lose it potency from being too reached its final phase and start dying.thats why we check the trichs...the most accurate way to tell when your plant has reached full potency
Yes we all know that, that's full potency of the individual plant yes but doesn't determine its thc content.
I think a lot of us grow to our conditions and target yields more than to every fine point of potency improvement. I personally weigh how much I think potency might be increased by how much trouble it takes to implement or how it might effect yields.

Mel Frank (who seems to be where rosenthal gets a lot of this sort of info) is a source for this. He has spent a decent amount of time testing THC/CBD levels throughout growing cycles, and certainly found some interesting things. He basically claims that final THC quantities in flowering will raise slightly with maturity up to 6-12 months at which time the final quantities will start to decline. The largest difference was between flowering an immature plant vs mature. Seemed to me that the difference (assuming you allow the plant to hit maturity which usually takes 6-8 weeks) was minimal, and not worth the 3-4 extra months you have to veg to hit that 6 month target...
I completely agree normally growing indoors I only do a 6-8 week veg and this current run I have 2 smaller 4wk 1gals flowering quite well I've only ever seen a difference in yields not potency whatsoever even running same strain at different ages in the same tent a 1gal with 4wks of veg might only drop 1/2 a zip a 3gal at 6wks I can hit 3-4 zips and a 5gal at 8-10wks can hit 6-8 zip easy on one stem they just stay small which can be exactly what you need


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I completely agree normally growing indoors I only do a 6-8 week veg and this current run I have 2 smaller 4wk 1gals flowering quite well I've only ever seen a difference in yields not potency whatsoever even running same strain at different ages in the same tent a 1gal with 4wks of veg might only drop 1/2 a zip a 3gal at 6wks I can hit 3-4 zips and a 5gal at 8-10wks can hit 6-8 zip easy on one stem they just stay small which can be exactly what you need
Dude, this thread hasn't been replied in 12 years, until today. The guy you replied to hasn't been seen on here since 2011. Good luck.
I completely agree normally growing indoors I only do a 6-8 week veg and this current run I have 2 smaller 4wk 1gals flowering quite well I've only ever seen a difference in yields not potency whatsoever even running same strain at different ages in the same tent a 1gal with 4wks of veg might only drop 1/2 a zip a 3gal at 6wks I can hit 3-4 zips and a 5gal at 8-10wks can hit 6-8 zip easy on one stem they just stay small which can be exactly what you need
First message on RIU I see.

Welcome, you'll learn as it goes.
Read more and comment less on ancient threads.
Start a Hi, my name is in the welcome section.
My question is deep in a forum do you need to be to come across a 10 year old thread in the first place? I've gone back page after page over hours and threads are only a few months old.
Heres the thing.
Half the forum complains about the same questions being asked over and over, "search feature exists, bro"..
The other half complains about resurrected threads by people who actually do use the search feature.
Heres the thing.
Half the forum complains about the same questions being asked over and over, "search feature exists, bro"..
The other half complains about resurrected threads by people who actually do use the search feature.
But why reply to a 10 year old thread? I can see reading them for the knowledge, but a lil more research usually shows those members, from the resurrected thread, as being long gone.
I’ve read that “light quality does not effect potency, just yield”. Quality as in duration, not just DLI. Think over vegging is a fools errand. That’s just my take.
I completely agree normally growing indoors I only do a 6-8 week veg and this current run I have 2 smaller 4wk 1gals flowering quite well I've only ever seen a difference in yields not potency whatsoever even running same strain at different ages in the same tent a 1gal with 4wks of veg might only drop 1/2 a zip a 3gal at 6wks I can hit 3-4 zips and a 5gal at 8-10wks can hit 6-8 zip easy on one stem they just stay small which can be exactly what you need
You don’t seem to be a newb
Pretty purple pic is it a plant?
The problem with MJ forums is they are populated by naive kids who have never grown anything else, have no gardening and certainly no botanical knowledge, and just repeat all the BS they read, however ludicrous it may be.

Hey! I resemble that remark! 'cept I'm pushing 60 and I've never grown nuttin' but tomatoes and chiles. I've been taking a crash course since the Berlin fuckin' Wall coming down and a rapid East German running into the electronics store with a handful of deutchmarcs.

My greatest skill is the ability to roll on a ski lift into a head-wind...and I've since built on that skill and have produced some very good yield.

Me thinks the biggest problem with people who don't like old thread bumps is that it reminds them that they were in diapers 10 years ago. The plant is millions of years old. Write a scientific research paper and you'll have a bib' full of decades old work to build on. If somebody said something 10 years ago that is relevant today, then I will bump it. It's not fucking Instagram.