Convoy? ..Convoy!

there were fires on 42 nights in portland, but only one person out of the 74 arrested is charged with arson
now who do we know who likes to burn stuff, especially when they can blame it on BLM and antifa?
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this is who burned most of portland...on orders from trump or one of his lieutenants...either these fucks or the proudboys...

Your really going to point to the low number of arrests as a sign of how peaceful the protests were??? Now your just being funny. You know damn well that liberal mayors across the nation ordered their police departments to stand down. This was widely reported.
Liberal is from liberty, freedom under the rule of law and constitution by democratically elected representatives with independent courts. There are no more conservatives, fascists took their place, so if you ain't a liberal supporting and defending liberalism (freedom) what are you? A racist driven by fear to tribalism and mass stupidity?

Just because someone calls themselves something doesn't make it true. That's such a child's argument. But it works for you guys. Prime example is Black Lives Matter. If you know nothing about them except the title you'd think "wow, they're right black lives do matter, what a great cause" but if you actually look at things they do and say like calling for violence against police officers, some may reconsider. All while individuals like yourself scream "RACIST! Look at the title bro! Are you saying black lives don't matter? .
Just because someone calls themselves something doesn't make it true. That's such a child's argument. But it works for you guys. Prime example is Black Lives Matter. If you know nothing about them except the title you'd think "wow, they're right black lives do matter, what a great cause" but if you actually look at things they do and say like calling for violence against police officers, some may reconsider. All while individuals like yourself scream "RACIST! Look at the title bro! Are you saying black lives don't matter? .
Is there any right wing propaganda you haven't fallen for?

Tell us about George Soros next, or contrails. It has been a while since someone has talked about contrails.
Dude im a midwest libertarian. Centerist. I'd vote for joe manchin or tulsi gabbert in a heartbeat and they call themselves democrats.
lol so? It is just a different nudge. It is for the people who won't call themselves Republican and still buy the lies about the Democrats that the right wing propagandists sell them.

Von Misses institute is a con, flat tax is bullshit, and thePaul's are just snake oil salesmen. All the scams are designed to keep the richest in our society from not having to pay taxes or have to share power with the rest of the society.

And based on your 'Gabbert' statement, I would say that it is very unlikely that you would answer 'no' to the question I asked in my last post.
lol so? It is just a different nudge. It is for the people who won't call themselves Republican and still buy the lies about the Democrats that the right wing propagandists sell them.

Von Misses institute is a con, flat tax is bullshit, and thePaul's are just snake oil salesmen. All the scams are designed to keep the richest in our society from not having to pay taxes or have to share power with the rest of the society.

And based on your 'Gabbert' statement, I would say that it is very unlikely that you would answer 'no' to the question I asked in my last post.

Bro my views are shaped by my personal experiences and where I grew up and the people around me's views, probably the same as you. If we could all just remember that while we discuss politics it would make for great conversations. I was once a very liberal person. I voted for Obama! What changed? I spent 4 years in prison. You might think that would send one the opposite direction. Not me when I was in prison I genuinely wanted to change my life and never go back. That's not the prevailing attitude as you can imagine. Over time i began to absolutely despise 98% of my fellow inmates. I hated everything about them. I hated how they glorified the criminal lifestyle. I hated the gangs and how they pray upon the weak. I hated their fucking music. I hated everything that they liked, and started gaining a greater respect for law enforcement. Then when I got out my little brother became a cop! I was so proud of him. Black Lives Matter doesn't believe in good cops. My brother is a good cop. My brother recently pulled someone over with a trunk full of marijuana plants. He suspected they were stolen. He got the guy to admit it and then he actually brought the plants back to their owner! Anyway man I'm just sayin we're all just a product of our experiences.
Bro my views are shaped by my personal experiences and where I grew up and the people around me's views, probably the same as you. If we could all just remember that while we discuss politics it would make for great conversations. I was once a very liberal person. I voted for Obama! What changed? I spent 4 years in prison. You might think that would send one the opposite direction. Not me when I was in prison I genuinely wanted to change my life and never go back. That's not the prevailing attitude as you can imagine. Over time i began to absolutely despise 98% of my fellow inmates. I hated everything about them. I hated how they glorified the criminal lifestyle. I hated the gangs and how they pray upon the weak. I hated their fucking music. I hated everything that they liked, and started gaining a greater respect for law enforcement. Then when I got out my little brother became a cop! I was so proud of him. Black Lives Matter doesn't believe in good cops. My brother is a good cop. My brother recently pulled someone over with a trunk full of marijuana plants. He suspected they were stolen. He got the guy to admit it and then he actually brought the plants back to their owner! Anyway man I'm just sayin we're all just a product of our experiences.
And we all get a lot of propaganda spammed at us that can nudge people into believing some shit that just is not reality man.

Good for you for not wanting to go back and making your life better, I hope it works out for you. I really do.

As for what you might be getting triggered by with 'BLM' propaganda attack, being a cop is actually a specific group that the right wing propagandists are targeting:

Hope your brother stays safe out there too. And that you stick around and realize what is going on before you get so triggered you trick yourself into a meltdown.
Bro my views are shaped by my personal experiences and where I grew up and the people around me's views, probably the same as you. If we could all just remember that while we discuss politics it would make for great conversations. I was once a very liberal person. I voted for Obama! What changed? I spent 4 years in prison. You might think that would send one the opposite direction. Not me when I was in prison I genuinely wanted to change my life and never go back. That's not the prevailing attitude as you can imagine. Over time i began to absolutely despise 98% of my fellow inmates. I hated everything about them. I hated how they glorified the criminal lifestyle. I hated the gangs and how they pray upon the weak. I hated their fucking music. I hated everything that they liked, and started gaining a greater respect for law enforcement. Then when I got out my little brother became a cop! I was so proud of him. Black Lives Matter doesn't believe in good cops. My brother is a good cop. My brother recently pulled someone over with a trunk full of marijuana plants. He suspected they were stolen. He got the guy to admit it and then he actually brought the plants back to their owner! Anyway man I'm just sayin we're all just a product of our experiences.

LMFAO, did you even read the study you posted? Based on your study, there is a max of around 5% - 10% excess in in increased cardiovascular outcomes of any kind. That's all excess added up as a total of additional outcomes. Compare that with the study I posted showing a 133x (13,000% increase in myocarditis. Put the two studies side by side, and your increased outcomes are just a tiny drop in the bucket.
Dude im a midwest libertarian. Centerist. I'd vote for joe manchin or tulsi gabbert in a heartbeat and they call themselves democrats.
Centrist libertarian is an oxymoron. Centrists are fine. Libertarians aren't centrist though. That philosophy is socially hard right in terms of valuing money over people who generate capital for capitalists, so, nah, to the dustbin it goes. Which is where it is headed. Not that it had validity in the first place.

I'm a bit bothered by the outrage people show toward Manchin. He represents W VA, not California or NY. He's pro union, votes much more often for mainstream Democratic Party issues than the best Republican Senator does. We need him to keep fascist GQP from controlling the Senate. so I just roll my eyes when he comes up for discussion among my fellow left leaning Democrats. OTOH I don't think you know much about Gabbert, the mole from a very strange religious sect and supplicant to Putin. She couldn't win another primary in Hawaii, so she quit in a fit and blamed others for her failure.

I'm for democracy. Manchin wins elections and serves his state. Gabbert couldn't win again and blamed others. Big difference between the two.
A government mandate is when they come into your home and drag your ass off to be vaxxed, or jab you on the spot by law. We have employer mandates and requirements for vaccination and masks by various levels of government.

The 18 -30 YO demographic is the most vaccine resistant and they are the most socially active and like the European countries, they are the ones on the streets. A lot of this was started, organized and financed by foreigners to cause social disruption, that's how modern civil wars are fought. Cause shit and chaos to get your strong man elected who will clamp down on liberty, this was a practice run for America. About 10% of the population is unvaxxed in Canada and they have no popular support, the government can do as the wish to them.

I agree with you bro. That's why I love being a libertarian. I agree with everyone on something lol. My views:

First I'll say I am fully vaccinated. I got vaccinated by choice because i didn't want to wear a mask anymore (that didnt last lol) and I was not at all worried about the side effects. Ive put much worse into my body I'm sure.

Now here's what I think about mandates. I don't think any person should be denied any right by government for being unvaxxed.
I, as a business owner have a right to hire and fire at will with very few exceptions. Those are limited to discrimination based on a recognized protected class. (race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc) So if i want to hire only vaccinated people because I think that's good for my business i have that right.
But I also feel that I should have the right to hire an unvaccinated person. I don't think its right for the government to tell me who i can and can't hire for the most part. That being said logic follows that the government itself has a right to choose to only hired the vaxxed and fire the unvaxxed. Also again, I, as a business owner should have the right to deny service to the unvaxxed, (maybe except essential services like medical services, utilities). But I also should have a right to serve the unvaxxed. I don't think its right for the government to tell me who to do business with....

As for protests. I'm all for it. Peacefully. But shutting down trade is not protest. I don't know if it's criminal but it's not acceptable. As you can see that hurts a country much more than fires for weeks on end. That's why there's a quicker response. I'm in Michigan and this is hitting us hard. These protests are taking food from the mouths of families in my community. Nobody has a right to do that.
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Centrist libertarian is an oxymoron.

I'm going to disagree with your very narrow characterization of libertarian. My understanding of libertarianism is quite simple. I'm mostly with the liberals on social issues like legalize drugs, gay marriage, abortion, criminal justice reform (although they lost me with defund the police). On the other hand I'm mostly with the conservatives on fiscal issues. I want low taxes and low government spending. I think the US government has a moral obligation to work with a balanced budget and stop borrowing from our future, but that's never going to happen.
I agree with you bro. That's why I love being a libertarian. I agree with everyone on something lol. My views:

First I'll say I am fully vaccinated. I got vaccinated by choice because i didn't want to wear a mask anymore (that didnt last lol) and I was not at all worried about the side effects. Ive put much worse into my body I'm sure.

Now here's what I think about mandates. I don't think any person should be denied any right by government for being unvaxxed.
I, as a business owner have a right to hire and fire at will with very few exceptions. Those are limited to discrimination based on a recognized protected class. (race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc) So if i want to hire only vaccinated people because I think that's good for my business i have that right.
But I also feel that I should have the right to hire an unvaccinated person. I don't think its right for the government to tell me who i can and can't hire for the most part. That being said logic follows that the government itself has a right to choose to only hired the vaxxed and fire the unvaxxed. But again, I, as a business owner should have the right to deny service to the unvaxxed, (maybe except essential services like medical services, utilities). But I also should have a right to serve the unvaxxed. I don't think its right for the government to tell me who to do business with....

As for protests. I'm all for it. Peacefully. But shutting down trade is not protest. I don't know if it's criminal but it's not acceptable. As you can see that hurts a country much more than fires for weeks on end. That's why there's a quicker response. I'm in Michigan and this is hitting us hard. These protests are taking food from the mouths of families in my community. Nobody has a right to do that.
Here's your problem, people on the right are fomenting this shit trying to take advantage of pandemic fatigue and they also want to claim credit for changing public policy that is changing anyway, in response to changing facts. They make up less than 10% of the population and are trying to dictate policy to the 90% by violent means, blockades are acts of violence.

Public policy is changing based on expert advice, not on what some neckbeard fake patriot, wearing a fucking flag says, while blocking a public roadway. Disruption is how the next civil war will be fought, it won't be like the last one, but more like the convoy of fools. Cause as much shit as you can on the right to disrupt society and the economy blame the government and your strong man authoritarian leader will solve the problem (only I can solve it). It's a pretty standard formula these days, there will be no battle of Gettysburg, but the casualties will be as high as the first civil war, 900K so far and counting, mostly republicans for awhile now though.
I'm going to disagree with your very narrow characterization of libertarian. My understanding of libertarianism is quite simple. I'm mostly with the liberals on social issues like legalize drugs, gay marriage, abortion, criminal justice reform (although they lost me with defund the police). On the other hand I'm mostly with the conservatives on fiscal issues. I want low taxes and low government spending. I think the US government has a moral obligation to work with a balanced budget and stop borrowing from our future, but that's never going to happen.
Libertarianism is as unworkable as Marxist Leninist communism FFS, it's just smoke and mirrors for not wanting to form a sharing and caring community with people you consider the enemy, the "other". Humans form sharing caring communities, it's what we do and to do otherwise is pathological and contrary to human nature. It ain't just about ideology, but biology too. Adam Smith wrote of the hidden hand of the market place driven by need and greed, but he also spoke of the iron hand of law, taxation and regulation too, but they don't mention that half much. Our societies have always been a blend of capitalism and socialism and that seems to work best. If you want explosive growth, capitalism (like in space business), a blend of the two slows things down to a reasonable degree. Pure capitalism would be havoc for conservatives and racists, it tends to trend toward a meritocracy, rapid social change and upheaval.

Besides do ya want kids dying from preventable diseases or trip over dead old people in the ditches? Single payer healthcare is a human right and a no brainer if you want a pandemic free society. Using the buying power of the government to get a better deal on Medicare drugs should not be illegal, but the republicans made it so and will fight to the death to keep it that way.

Both parties are not the same, the republicans have gone fascist and a patriot has but one choice, vote democratic. Trump and the Republicans committed treason with the Russians FFS, who else has thousands of nukes pointed at you? But her emails?