I got a ac infinity and don’t know how to use it

Set Maximum and minimum temps/humidity and fan speed set at on position,
After setting, turn to automatic and monitor that it was set and functions correctly.
Different controllers work differently. The regular digital one you can pick high and low triggers and pick the speed it kicks up to. The 67 allows you to have a minimum default fan speed pick triggers then also pick transitions so you can say that for each two degrees the fan bumps up one speed until you get to your max speed. It also allows for programmed timed fan use. The 67 has bluetooth connectivity and control from an app, and the new 69 has BT/WIFI and also allows for independent control over multiple fans, lights, etc.
I am Not asking you to hold my hand ya moan bag. I’m looking some advise. Is this not what this page is for ?
Advice? Use a dehumidifier for removing humidity.

An exhaust fan is for air circulation via exhausting air out of the tent, not humidity control. If your lung room humidity is high it doesn't matter how high you run your exhaust it's still going to be humid.
First time grow using ac infinity - I need some help with controlling the humidity could anyone help me ?

You aren't giving us much to play with here. Tell us about your grow. What tent are you using? Lights? Circulating fans? How are you measuring temp and humidity? Where are you drawing your air from?

Personally, I have never had a problem with humidity and I have never had to run a dehumidifier, I guess where you live will have some bearing on that. I grow in a loft and I have really good natural airflow. I draw air in from the outside and exhaust to the outside.
If you’re exhausting outside just set your temp and humidity, it’ll kick on/up when needed. If you’re exhausting into the same room your grow is in (like if you’re in a tent) just control the room it’s in and keep the fan running constantly for circulation.
With the understanding that it's a fan and not a dehumidifier, if you're in a tent/box and its in a room that is less humid than what's going on in the tent, you can alter/control the humidity up to a certain point.

For example, the room that my tent resides in for the winter is currently at 40% RH. My tent if left to itself without ventilation might be in the 50-70% range...bringing the drier air in and pushing some of the moisture out will lower tent humidity (note that it also affects temperatures so that makes it a balancing act). So you need to figure out where the airflow is such that you're not sucking ALL the humidity out and matching your outside environment but enough that you're not creating a sweatbox in the tent. The AC Infinity controller can do this effectively.

Now on the other hand, during the summer, when the room my tent is in is super humid...I run a pair of dehumidifiers to bring the ambient air RH down to 40% then use the fan in the same way.

Also, I prioritize temperature over humidity. I'd rather work to keep my 'lights on' temps in the 75-83f degree range, if doing that means a bit more humidity or a bit less, that's what gives in the equation, though I do my best to keep the VPD averaging around 1 if I can.
You aren't giving us much to play with here. Tell us about your grow. What tent are you using? Lights? Circulating fans? How are you measuring temp and humidity? Where are you drawing your air from?

Personally, I have never had a problem with humidity and I have never had to run a dehumidifier, I guess where you live will have some bearing on that. I grow in a loft and I have really good natural airflow. I draw air in from the outside and exhaust to the outside.

hi mate.

Sorry I didn’t give enough information on the post apologies to everyone Just started my first grow haven’t got a clue this is why I posted I didn’t think I’d get as many reply’s this site is cool I’ll explain abit more I’m not looking my ac infinity to then into something it’s not.. I’m just having trouble with my humidity in my tent .. & I also have a ac van and I’m not sure what settings to use ect .. here’s a little about my grow

in my loft
in a grow tent which is 100x100
2 led lights
Ac infinity
hi mate.

Sorry I didn’t give enough information on the post apologies to everyone Just started my first grow haven’t got a clue this is why I posted I didn’t think I’d get as many reply’s this site is cool I’ll explain abit more I’m not looking my ac infinity to then into something it’s not.. I’m just having trouble with my humidity in my tent .. & I also have a ac van and I’m not sure what settings to use ect .. here’s a little about my grow

in my loft
in a grow tent which is 100x100
2 led lights
Ac infinity

How do you know you have humidity issues? Is it too high or too low? Do you have condensation?