Donald Trump Private Citizen


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Trump: Joe Rogan Needs to 'Stop Apologizing'
Trump made his remarks in a statement issued Monday.

He wrote: “Joe Rogan is an interesting and popular guy, but he's got to stop apologizing to the Fake News and Radical Left maniacs and lunatics. How many ways can you say you're sorry? Joe, just go about what you do so well and don't let them make you look weak and frightened. That's not you and it never will be!”

Rogan, who hosts the podcast called “The Joe Rogan Experience,” had apologized Saturday after he was seen in a video compilation using racial slurs in clips of episodes over a 12-year time frame, according to The Associated Press.

In a video posted on his Instagram account, Rogan called the slurs the “most regretful and shameful thing that I’ve ever had to talk about publicly.”

However, he maintained the clips were “taken out of context.”

"I never used it to be racist, because I'm not racist," he said.


Well-Known Member
jimmy kimmel mentioned this so take it witha grain of salt:

The late night host noted it was a violation of U.S. code, which not only makes it a crime to “conceal, remove, mutilate, obliterate, falsify, or destroy” official records, but also sets a very specific penalty: forfeit of office, and disqualification from holding any office
If Obama did it would it be a crime?

The law is crystal clear and intent can be easily established, Donald knew too, he mentioned the law in specific terms, in a speech about Clinton, there's a video they've been playing on the news.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I'm coming around to the idea that the slow walk on prosecuting Trump for state and federal crimes has a lot to do with politics, it's been over a year since he's been out FFS! It's still inside the range of normal though, but in the meantime Donald is like a bull in the GOP China shop, causing division and chaos. If he's indicted before the 2022 election, the shit will hit the fan as he freaks out and probably will get himself jailed for blathering until trial. Right now every time he opens his gob he hangs himself by providing more evidence.
i'm not sure trump will ever see the inside of a cell...but he will be crippled, and humiliated, and broken...if the gop is insane enough to run him in 24 they'll lose again, there is no better way to insure record democratic voter turnout than to give them trump to vote against..and by then New York will have broken up his organization. Deutschebank has already quit doing business with him, and i doubt any of the other large international banks will touch him, so he will slowly have to sell off all of his assests to cover legal costs...he may not get stuck in a cell, but he will get drug into court and be forced to account for every penny on his books for the last decade or longer...
and that may be a better punishment for trump, there's no way he can pardon his way out of destitution and once his "fortune" is gone, then no one will give a fuck what he has to say....which is a fate worse than death to trump...being a LOSER...


Well-Known Member
i'm not sure trump will ever see the inside of a cell...but he will be crippled, and humiliated, and broken...if the gop is insane enough to run him in 24 they'll lose again, there is no better way to insure record democratic voter turnout than to give them trump to vote against..and by then New York will have broken up his organization. Deutschebank has already quit doing business with him, and i doubt any of the other large international banks will touch him, so he will slowly have to sell off all of his assests to cover legal costs...he may not get stuck in a cell, but he will get drug into court and be forced to account for every penny on his books for the last decade or longer...
and that may be a better punishment for trump, there's no way he can pardon his way out of destitution and once his "fortune" is gone, then no one will give a fuck what he has to say....which is a fate worse than death to trump...being a LOSER...
Oh I figure he will get his assets seized eventually, but he and his adult children are gonna go to prison over the Trump org in NY. Georgia might do him first for election crimes though and the feds won't want to act against him until a state puts him away first. Donald will go down for his crimes, not all of them, but he will take an awful lot of assholes with him as he goes down. It should give the American body politic a real good enema over the next couple of years, as lot's of shit is flushed out of the political system and into the prison system! :lol:


Well-Known Member
If trump is convicted of a crime, he's going to talk in a way to convince the jury to sentence him to house arrest on his golf course instead of jail time. he will be posting on gettr/gab/parler and convince qanon to break him free. he will manipulate rule of law again, and nationalists will support it.


Well-Known Member
If trump is convicted of a crime, he's going to talk in a way to convince the jury to sentence him to house arrest on his golf course instead of jail time. he will be posting on gettr/gab/parler and convince qanon to break him free. he will manipulate rule of law again, and nationalists will support it.
I'm amazed you head hasn't imploded due to the vacuum inside.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Oh I figure he will get his assets seized eventually, but he and his adult children are gonna go to prison over the Trump org in NY. Georgia might do him first for election crimes though and the feds won't want to act against him until a state puts him away first. Donald will go down for his crimes, not all of them, but he will take an awful lot of assholes with him as he goes down. It should give the American body politic a real good enema over the next couple of years, as lot's of shit is flushed out of the political system and into the prison system! :lol:
i sincerely hope his fat old ass dies in a NY prison cell, but there are just a few things trump is good at, and one of them is covering his ass...he has always had other people get their hands dirty for him, while he stands back and makes "suggestions"...
he is profoundly stupid in some ways, in most ways...but he has a natural cunning, like a fox that can smell a trap...
i'd still be happy to see him financially crippled and humiliated, and his children living their broke ass lives as jokes


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Trump documents taken to Mar-a-Lago marked 'top secret:' report
Citing two people familiar with the matter, The Post reported on Thursday that some of the documents Trump took back to his Florida club after departing the White House were clearly labeled as classified, while some were marked as “top secret” — which is the highest level of classified information.

It is unclear how many classified documents were recovered by the National Archives, according to The Post. Two sources told the newspaper that some records had labels signaling that the information within was very sensitive and would only be available to few people with clearance high enough to review such details.

News broke on Monday that the National Archives and Records Administration had recovered multiple boxes of White House records from Mar-a-Lago last month, which contained significant communication records and gifts and letters from world leaders.
The Post said the storing of such documents at the former president’s residence raised concerns regarding the the Presidential Records Act, which requires that various documents relating to a president’s official duties are saved.

The New York Times reported on Thursday that some of the documents retrieved from Mar-a-Lago may have been classified. An unidentified source told the newspaper that potential classified material was found when 15 boxes of presidential materials were retrieved from the Florida club.


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Trump's former communications chief says he's 'terrified' of a forthcoming book by The New York Times' Maggie Haberman

  • Alyssa Farah said former President Donald Trump is "terrified" of Maggie Haberman's upcoming book.
  • Axios reported that it contains details about Trump's habit of flushing documents down the toilet.
  • "This is the first big anecdote, but there is quite a bit more to come," Farah said Thursday.
Former President Donald Trump's former communications director said Thursday that Trump is "terrified" of a forthcoming book by The New York Times' reporter Maggie Haberman.

Alyssa Farah made the comment during an appearance on ABC's "The View." It came after Axios obtained an excerpt of Haberman's book saying that Trump's aides believed he routinely clogged a White House toilet by flushing wads of paper down it. Haberman's book also reportedly says Trump has told people he is still in touch with the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

"I still talk to some folks in Trumpworld, the ones who have not engaged in criminality," Farah said Thursday. "The former president is terrified of Maggie Haberman's book. This is the first big anecdote, but there is quite a bit more to come."

Joy Behar, a cohost on "The View," asked Farah whether Trump was equally apprehensive about "Peril" by The Washington Post's Bob Woodward and Robert Costa. But Farah said Haberman's book is the one Trump is most nervous about given her years of experience covering him at both The Times and at the New York Post.

"She's covered him for decades. I'm very interested to see what else" is coming, Farah added.

A spokesperson for Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Axios reported that the former president sat down for an interview with Haberman as she was writing her book, "Confidence Man," which is scheduled for release in early October. According to Axios, Trump's aides were not pleased with his decision to talk to her — as he's done with other reporters who later published unflattering books about his presidency — but realized he couldn't help himself and they couldn't stop him.

Haberman broke many of the defining stories of the Trump presidency while working as a White House correspondent at The Times. She frequently spoke to him by phone and despite his public attacks on her, Trump is said to have closely followed her coverage of him and his administration.

Before arriving at The Times, Haberman spent 14 years working in New York tabloids and covering City Hall.

"In the context of covering City Hall, you would often end up dealing with Trump," she said in a 2018 interview for a four-part documentary about The Times. "Trump was a quote who you would always try to get because he would always juice up a story."

When Trump entered the 2016 presidential campaign, Haberman said she specifically asked her bosses at The Times whether she could cover him.

After Trump ascended to the Oval Office, Haberman told her colleagues that the president was "fascinated" and "obsessed" with The Times.

"Even though he was born rich, he doesn't see himself that way, and he sees himself as, sort of, this guy who made it big and he plopped himself down into the middle of Fifth Avenue, and he still wasn't treated seriously," she said, adding later: "And now he's in, sort of, the biggest piece of real estate in the country, and he is still not being treated seriously.

"But he is always going to care enormously about what The Times writes, regardless of what Steve Bannon and whomever else is saying," Haberman continued. "And it just plays a different role in his psyche."


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Two Standards of Justice: Fed Worker Jailed for Mishandling Classified Docs, While Trump Golfs

In an astounding double-standard of justice, the Department of Justice issues a press release today, February 11, 2022, announcing that a federal employee named Asia Janay Lavarello removed classified documents and was just sentenced to 3 months in prison, whereas Trump removed classified documents (documents that were classified "top secret" as compared to those improperly handled by Ms. Lavarello, which were classified as "secret"), yet Trump is not held to account.

Here is a step-by-step comparison of the two cases, showing how there are two standards of justice at work in our nation.

Note: in the video, I mispronounce Ms. Lavarello's name as "Laravello." Apologies to Ms. Lavarello.


Well-Known Member
Two Standards of Justice: Fed Worker Jailed for Mishandling Classified Docs, While Trump Golfs

In an astounding double-standard of justice, the Department of Justice issues a press release today, February 11, 2022, announcing that a federal employee named Asia Janay Lavarello removed classified documents and was just sentenced to 3 months in prison, whereas Trump removed classified documents (documents that were classified "top secret" as compared to those improperly handled by Ms. Lavarello, which were classified as "secret"), yet Trump is not held to account.

Here is a step-by-step comparison of the two cases, showing how there are two standards of justice at work in our nation.

Note: in the video, I mispronounce Ms. Lavarello's name as "Laravello." Apologies to Ms. Lavarello.
I think M. Garland is suffering from a excess of caution,country is so divided I think he is paralyzed by the fear of stirring up more shit by doggedly going after Trump and being portrayed as a revenge mongering partisan. I also think he is too nice of a man for the job IMO, a morally decent man like him belongs on the bench in the S. Court where he originally was intended to be.


Well-Known Member
I think M. Garland is suffering from a excess of caution,country is so divided I think he is paralyzed by the fear of stirring up more shit by doggedly going after Trump and being portrayed as a revenge mongering partisan. I also think he is too nice of a man for the job IMO, a morally decent man like him belongs on the bench in the S. Court where he originally was intended to be.
He was a pretty effective prosecutor in his day. I think he keeps his cards close to his chest and if trump ever gets indicted, the conviction will be a slam dunk.