Mainlining and nutrient burn


Hi all

This is my first grow and I tried to be too ambitious.

I waited for the 5th node to appear and then I topped just above the 3rd node and removed all growth below 3rd node, even the fan leaves. My error was I didn't decrease the EC and the girl has bad nutrient burn. I flushed for 24hrs and then put her into a mild nutrient solution, EC of around 1.1

My question is, based on the Pic will she recover?


Omg you have cut all of the growth leaving only two fan leaves? Is there something behind you have expected of the plant to do after that?

You realize these plants are alive right? On your first grow you are going to dictate what you want from the plant?

Stop helping. Just water, watch, and learn.

Everything you know is wrong

Good luck
You had the right idea, but you just didn't know what/where exactly to cut. Look at some cannabis plant anatomy. Each node has two (1 on each side) fan leaves. Just above those fan leaves in the corner of the stem and the stalk is where your bud growth comes from.

I can hopefully see from your point of view as to where the confusion may come from.

Allow me to help. Here's what I cut off when I start a mainline...
You can clone or toss this top. It is no longer part of our mainline discussion.
You did everything right except you chopped the 2 growth tips. That killed the plant as it cannot grow further. Dont get too upset, learning this step is ez. Next round.
Go to and review the initial topping. Pay special attention to the growth tips next to the fan leaves.

When I first started it took me a while to get this. I didnt make your mistake, but i also didnt understand it for a while until it became clear. The plant grows from growth tips.
At this point you can just keep training them to run parallel with the soil and when they reach the length you want, you top it again, and the two little nodes closest to your cut, will be your new tops. will become your new tops.
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As shown in the great pics....
Every fan leaf
Has an attached growth tip
Until and unless you chop it.

Look closely where the fan leaf stems meet the main stem. That smaller leaf looking branch is the growth tip in each instance.
Then those little nodes grow out giving you 4 tops....let those grow out and strip everything again if you want and you will be left with...
Let them grow a bit more, top again and strip everything if you want and you are left with 8 tops. Each bit of growth out of those nodes can become either a branch or a top.
At this point you just train those 8 tops out and up to open the center of your plant and give them plenty of room for airflow and light...I let it grow for about 2 weeks to make sure it has recovered and growth is vigorous...add a tomato ring for support and flip to flowerScreenshot_20220211-122617_Gallery.jpg
Just kidding....these went 11-12 weeks of flower....last one is drying right now.

hope that helped you.