Convoy? ..Convoy!

Crybabies Caravan

My take on the Trucker's Convoy.. which no longer seems to be about truckers OR Vaccines. And for those who defend the insurrectionists, saying it's "Just a few bad apples", I've said all I need to say in the last verse: "If you walk with Nazis, You're a Nazi too.
Have truckers for generations systematically been harassed, abused, arrested, confined, fined, & actually murdered by authorities that should be protecting them? Is that their complaint? Did any authority mandate that it would be legal to literally run them over if they blocked the road as Ron DeSantis of Florida did? Do government authorities use government funds to make a very public counter-protest over a protester kneeling during a national anthem?

No, they're very angry about being required to do something to protect the entire community, something proven safe, something hundreds of millions have done, something even children are doing eagerly.
Here's a big part of the problem, a fucking idiot who won't act against them, who else do these morons vote for? In NS there's $100K fine for blocking roadways, passed last week.

Clear areas of protesters and start moving trucks, if companies won't do it, confiscate their trucks and do it for them, call in the army, they have tank movers and tow trucks. Large fork lifts like those used to move containers can move trucks too, fly in a few dozen. If that's not enough, go private and if someone can move a designated truck, fill out the forms pay a fee and they can keep it, it won't take long for the trucks to go. This problem is easily solved, you just have to try and be prepared for things to get ugly, first though collect evidence of those there and levy crippling fines.
you're exactly right, if that was going on in a city within 100 miles of me, i'd be there starting shit...especially after hearing about their heinous juvenile behavior while "championing freedom"..storming soup kitchens set up for the poor, harassing store owners and shoppers, public defication...on the steps of a house flying a rainbow flag...i'd love to go open that soup kitchen back up, and just wait for those fucks to try that shit again...
I think you'll be dealing with it soon, this was a practice run for America, the difference is you'll have armed MAGATS surrounding the trucks. America has a much lower vaxx rate than Canada and the cops are more sympathetic to the anti vaxxers and magats. I figure yer gonna have trouble, unless the FBI are heading it off at the pass.
You must’ve had a whole team put that idea together, I mean the intelligence level of this is, well you’re really showing yourself to do well.
Truck driver —— aaa tow truck.
It hasn’t yet crossed your mini mind that
Tow truck drivers are. Um. Truck drivers.
Has it crossed yours that these idiots only represent less than 10% of truckers and a lot of younger hangers on with half tons and half brains? No one has even tried to deal with these assholes yet, but that is about to change, they wanted the public to grow to despise them first and they do. Now when they impound their trucks and ruin their lives they will have plenty of public support.

Trudeau should bring in 10,000 experienced Indian, middle eastern and Asian truck drivers by spring, some will need replacing.
I think you'll be dealing with it soon, this was a practice run for America, the difference is you'll have armed MAGATS surrounding the trucks. America has a much lower vaxx rate than Canada and the cops are more sympathetic to the anti vaxxers and magats. I figure yer gonna have trouble, unless the FBI are heading it off at the pass.
all of our retards headed north to support your retards...and our retards don't give a flying fuck about justin treudeau
my best friend and i play games online, his cousin, who has been a long haul trucker for years, plays with us when his downtime allows. he said that some may go to Canada, but as far as he knows, there is nothing planned for here, at least not on any large scale...he is also a conspiracy theory guy, who refuses to live near ht power lines, and unplugs a lot of stuff in his house if its not in use because the "radiation they emit is bad for you".....
so if anyone was going to be involved in idiocy here, it would be him....of course he could just be out of the loop, but i kind of doubt it
Let's talk about a development with Canada's truckers....
oh, they done fucked up now....the Canadian government isn't going to allow a private police force inside their country...claiming the right to arrest people and use force? they should have packed up and gone home a week ago...actually, the ignorant fucks shouldn't have done any of this idiot shit to begin with...but now they're trying to escalate shit, and they'll succeed, pretty quickly
DoFo Drops the hammer
Premier Doug Ford set to make an announcement Friday morning

Premier Doug Ford declares state of emergency amid protests at land border and in Ottawa
Ford said fines for non-compliance will be severe, with a maximum penalty of $100,000 and up to a year of jail time.

Additional authority is also being considered to take away the personal and commercial licences of anyone who does not comply with the orders, Ford said.
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DoFo Drops the hammer
Premier Doug Ford set to make an announcement Friday morning

Premier Doug Ford declares state of emergency amid protests at land border and in Ottawa
Ford said fines for non-compliance will be severe, with a maximum penalty of $100,000 and up to a year of jail time.

Additional authority is also being considered to take away the personal and commercial licences of anyone who does not comply with the orders, Ford said.
like they couldn't see the writing on the wall? did they think trying to deputize people and tell them they could use force to make arrests would grant them legitimacy? did they not realize that that was going to cause them a world of hurt? no government is going to allow you to deputize a police force for an illegal occupation...there really are a lot of stupid people out there, and America isn't even close to holding any kind of record