Cha Ching to use or not to use ???


Well-Known Member
No, open sesame for 2 weeks, beasty for 2 weeks and then cha ching until flush, this is what fox farm advised me and it coincides with the chart

Cha ching should be used the longest
1 flushing is a bro science bullshit factor that doesn't do what you think it does.

2 the fox farms schedule is horrible.

3 none of the shit you mentioned is needed at all to grow top notch bud. You got got by marketing.
A member for 15 minutes and already giving bad advice.
This advice isnt mine... its FOX FARMS ADVICE ! This roll it up used to be good but past few years its full of hyped up bellends, 90% of your photos look mediocre to fuck and advice is terrible.

Like i said that is exactly what FOX FARM themselves adviced and i tried it and it seems to work bang on everytime
1 flushing is a bro science bullshit factor that doesn't do what you think it does.

2 the fox farms schedule is horrible.

3 none of the shit you mentioned is needed at all to grow top notch bud. You got got by marketing.
I got got by marking, proper english is scarce i see. I " got got" by personal preference big man. You seem to be one of those jumped up bellends that i mentioned that knows everything

The "advice" i given is simply what fox farm advised, i tried it several ways and the way FOX FARM ADVICED has worked best

Also, flushing absolutely is neccesary IF youve been giving your plants a lot of chemical nutrients, with low ec levels and no overdeeding it is unneccesary in my opinion


Well-Known Member
I got got by marking, proper english is scarce i see. I " got got" by personal preference big man. You seem to be one of those jumped up bellends that i mentioned that knows everything

The "advice" i given is simply what fox farm advised, i tried it several ways and the way FOX FARM ADVICED has worked best

Also, flushing absolutely is neccesary IF youve been giving your plants a lot of chemical nutrients, with low ec levels and no overdeeding it is unneccesary in my opinion
You're right, apparently proper English is scarce.


Well-Known Member

You think the names matter when you don't even know what the products contain or the plants nutritional needs? You only follow manufacturers advices, that tells me you're a stupid consumer without any own knowledge. Stop spreading info you don't understand.
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Well-Known Member
New people who argue every.single.reply. :? yep.
1) Make account, come in hot and bothered because RIU has a reputation, and you gotta prove yourself.
2) Post a whole pile and get mad when people don't agree.
3) Insult people who have been growing longer, make sure you insult their grows, because that'll show 'em!
4) Get even more mad at people on the internet & try your hand at creative insulting this time.
5) Quit in a huff.

The perpetual RIU Newb cycle.


Well-Known Member
I got got by marking, proper english is scarce i see. I " got got" by personal preference big man. You seem to be one of those jumped up bellends that i mentioned that knows everything

The "advice" i given is simply what fox farm advised, i tried it several ways and the way FOX FARM ADVICED has worked best

Also, flushing absolutely is neccesary IF youve been giving your plants a lot of chemical nutrients, with low ec levels and no overdeeding it is unneccesary in my opinion
@Autofire that you?


Well-Known Member
I dont need to prove anything to anyone...

Im simply relaying what fox farm advised and my experience with it.

Contact them yourself and compare what they say to there feed charts and follow it and you will see for youself
Who cares what FoxFarms advises. They're in the business of selling product so they're going to advise you to use all of their products at maximum strength. And their feed charts suck. Overfeed, overfeed, overfeed, flush, overfeed,overfeed,overfeed, flush. Why don't they just have a chart that has you feeding less and then skip the flushing of all the excess salts they had you dumping on your plants?

How about some pictures of these awesome plants you grew following their feeding chart? What do the leaves look like?


Active Member
I run DTW system,veg my ladies 5-6 weeks then I will flush with 1 ml per litre cal mag and ph of 5.9. Then I’ll rinse all excess nutrients and I test the runoff as I have 15-20% runoff every feed twice a day. Runoff I test is not really high maybe 250 ppm over what I’m feeding telling me there is some buildup of salts in the coco. From there I mix nutes at half of recommended strength and I’m yeilding 1lb per plant. Here is a couple pics 15 days apart. At the back are 2 Candida CD1 left F is Gorilla Glue #1 and the RF is Blueberry Kush. Hope this helps. Last 2 pics are last grow in flower at 8 weeks.


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Well-Known Member
I got got by marking, proper english is scarce i see. I " got got" by personal preference big man. You seem to be one of those jumped up bellends that i mentioned that knows everything

The "advice" i given is simply what fox farm advised, i tried it several ways and the way FOX FARM ADVICED has worked best

Also, flushing absolutely is neccesary IF youve been giving your plants a lot of chemical nutrients, with low ec levels and no overdeeding it is unneccesary in my opinion
You sir are a moron.
You sir are a moron.
Hahah yeh cos you said so... suck a dick you absolute bellend

I simply stated open sesame for 2 weeks beasty for 2 weeks and cha ching until flush...

Uve since debated flush isnt needed ( debatable... but purely circumstantial)

I got got by marketing ( because i tried it and liked it so carried on using it, personal preference )

Nothing i use is needed... never said it was

Care to elaborate on why any of this is moronic?
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Plants can tolerate environmental extremes more than they can tolerate nutritional extremes. They can tolerate an overnight frost or high heat but try feeding at 5.0EC with 3.0pH
I absolutely agree, although i do think that keeping them optimal is the key to a good crop rather than which nutrient brand you use. I personally never go above 1.8 EC
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