Plant has A LOT of colas, naturally. **view and tell me if im wrong**


Well-Known Member

well i did post a topic about this a while ago.

i have let the plant grow a bit since then.

basically i had my light too close for too long. i think the excessive heat either caused new growth to go sideways or split the main cola into many.

look how fat it is near the top.

please explain where i went wrong :( haha



Well-Known Member
i dont c anyfin wrong wif that .. i wud b well plzd if my top cola was dat fat ... luks mint .. wats nutes u feeding her ?????


Well-Known Member
haha, cheers. it looks like it has "split" into many smaller ones.

but this is my first ever go at this. so i don't know what to expect.

i was feeding bio-bloom, by bio-bizz

just stopped a day ago :)


New Member
think this happens when the plant gets heat stress, like you said your light was too close. The bud is less dense right?


Well-Known Member
think this happens when the plant gets heat stress, like you said your light was too close. The bud is less dense right?
i can't really tell at the moment.

after i moved my light up they started to grow, so it's kind of new growth and a lot younger than the rest of the plant so at the moment i guess it isn't all that dense.


Well-Known Member
hey man thats a good catch. it might have started getting the top too hot making the top stop growing and plant focus its top growth to the slightly cooler lower bud colas, it gave it a hell of a swell and if theres no bud damage to the top it should continue to grow up as well... thats one of them things that could have gone wrong but went very right because u caught it in time... GOOD JOB *thumbs up*


New Member
well it looks cool :bigjoint:, hopefully since its not near finishing it will fill out into a dense monster:weed:, not sure how it works. only know that one of my plants did that but it was ready to be chopped so the top nug wasn't as dense as the rest


Well-Known Member
hey man thats a good catch. it might have started getting the top too hot making the top stop growing and plant focus its top growth to the slightly cooler lower bud colas, it gave it a hell of a swell and if theres no bud damage to the top it should continue to grow up as well... thats one of them things that could have gone wrong but went very right because u caught it in time... GOOD JOB *thumbs up*
cool, don't know why i left my light that close but like you said. it was lucky i moved it in time :)

well it looks cool :bigjoint:, hopefully since its not near finishing it will fill out into a dense monster:weed:, not sure how it works. only know that one of my plants did that but it was ready to be chopped so the top nug wasn't as dense as the rest
:) fingers crossed it improves nearer to harvest time


Junior Creatologist
Do yourself a favor n go pick up some Humboldt Purple Maxx. Itll help your calyxes grow tighter together and form your buds into more denser, thicker nugs. N if you can bro, pick up some Gravity too - give that to your plants 3 weeks before harvest and itll help them pack on all the weight n density that they possibly can before you chop that bitch down.

--Im just tryin to help you figure out how to thicken up the bud so its not all light n airy n mostly hairs bro - i had nuggets like that on my last grow n they turned out to be like 1/4 of what they looked like. Itd be fuckin mint if your nugs dried out and were still as fat as they are right now on the plant, lol.

N way to go on the accidental fimming of your top bro, that shit should be in the FAQs on "how to fuck your shit up and still end up with the coolest lookin top cola", lol. Ive never seen somethin like that before man. +rep for burning your tops bro :D


Well-Known Member
haha, cheers K1Ng :)

thanks for your informative and helpful response. i shall see what i can do.



New Member
haha, thats the strain it did it for me as well but mine was definately heat that did it, and i'm guessing yours is too if your lights were too close

mine wasn't as mad as yours though only had a few foxtails


Well-Known Member
Dude if you do get the Gravity and Snow storm from humboldt do not use at full strenght,Trust ME start at 1/4 dose.Mad Crazy Hot stuff and works great at smaller doses i use it in my soil and hydro.I miss read the directions and put a double dose in my res and came back about 15 min and my plants fan leaves were vertical towards my lights i opened the res lid and the chit was boiling this is the gods honest truth,maybe not boiling BUT some kinda chemical reaction was going on.In my sig link you can see what it does look at the JF at 25 days flower in soil,ive crossed my AK47 with the Juicy Fuit.GL Burlingo back those lights to about 2 to 3 ft from the canopy 3 being safe as i dont know what temps,and hood you have.;-)AS you can see i dont follow directions i hitem with the gravity and purple max,at 12x12 start.Rusty leave edge = phos,toxcity ,LMAO i cant spell i knew not to bong the AK.