Skinny minny... 120 days ?


Active Member
My first go at this. Bag seed. Going straight up, with a few buds now, but looks nothing like what other people have posted here.
Can you say if this is a Sativa? Anything normal about this plant? Is there hope that by 2030 or so I will get some output? :)
Waste of time to continue or keep going?
It definitely isn't getting enough light and should likely just be trashed. If you are just doing it for the fun of it, by all means keep going. However, if you expect to get anything to smoke out of this or live in a location where it is illegal, that plant isn't worth the risk.
It's hermied, heat stressed, super stretched, pencil thin and headed towards nitrogen toxicity. It won't produce anything worthwhile and still has like 2 months left.
On top of the lack of light, it looks like you're keeping your soil too wet. My dad grew a crop of similar looking plants out of buckets with no drainage, under one of the first wave blurples. The wet soil is probably partially due to the lack of light.
Just read up on hermies but I am not sure what you were circling in this photo. Is it round signs of the male side? If so, is it already pollenating, or I can get rid of it and now worry about what is in my enclosed room, which is a spare BR. Thank you for replying to my post
Right in the center is/was a cluster of 3 things that I thought could be nuts but wasn’t positive with my shitty res could just be calyxes too but regardless you did the right thing. Not worth your time at that point. Better luck next time