Neil Young makes a stand against misinformation

So, at first I thought, "dude, you are going a bit too far, telling people to quit", but then again, I'd be looking if I worked there. I left my home state so that I didn't have to work in Silicon Valley any more. Dysfunctional managers lead to a dysfunctional workforce and the place goes to shit. The money or benefits might be good. But every SV company I worked for, the job turned to crap. One place was such a meatgrinder, I worked for exactly one year in order to qualify for some options and left that day. I negotiated my starting date with my new employer (the one who gave me the ticket out of the Valley) and was up front about it. The new employer gave me a wry smile and said we'd like you have you sooner but OK. The new job was great. 90% of what makes a job great is who you work for.

Neil Young urges Spotify workers to quit as Trump tells Joe Rogan to 'stop apologizing'
“Get out of that place before it eats up your soul," Young told employees at the streaming service in a message shared on his official website.

(the owner) pulls the strings. Get out of that place before it eats up your soul,” Young said. The only goals stated by EK are about numbers — not art, not creativity.”

Young's comments came after Ek sent out a letter to Spotify workers on Sunday apologizing for the controversy surrounding Rogan, but also defending the podcaster, saying he did "not believe that silencing Joe is the answer."

Profits before humanity. Fuck that shit. Aint gonna work no more, no more, I aint gonna work no more.
The JR hits keep on hitting
The heading above comments section:

On an episode of Opie & Anthony show, Joe Rogan promotes a completely false story about a long disproven Bondo Ape theory. When a listener calls in, free thinking Joe Rogan, refuses to let her finish one sentence and ridicules her for being a woman with a PhD in Primatology.

I made it to 26 seconds. What a dick

It's OK to discuss woo woo theory and all, after all, nobody is going to harm themselves due to this crap theory:

Bondo Ape/Bili Ape:

It was the aggressive nature of JR's rhetoric that was directed at a caller who had the temerity to disagree that raised my hackles. A PhD in primatology is not something to disregard. Rogan made it out as if the PhD disqualified her opinion. So that's what 100 million dollars buys you. An aggressive know-nothing who can't shut the fuck up and listen to a different opinion.

Isn't that the defense we keep hearing from the anti-science crowd? Their grievance revolves around being tuned out and shut down. Well, when the misinformation is killing people, it should be given a short leash. But really, yelling at somebody who called in to provide their informed view that this theory of a new giant ape species being found in "deepest Africa" is bogus? Rogan's outburst was a histrionic cry for everybody to switch away from his shit podcast.