Smallest Lowryder in History????


Well-Known Member
I had a plant like that it wasn't lowryder tho but after moving my seedlings we forgot one that was in like an 8 fluid ounce pot. then right before budding time we went out there to get pots that we left there was a little 4 incher we planted it in the ground and by the end of the season it had like a fat joint it was all i had cuz everything else was stolen. It was some chronic


Well-Known Member
yeah that happened to me too i had a dozen of these mini plants biggest was 4 inches got about1/3 oz
there goes my massive growth hope out the window LOL. Ive resigned myself to the fact im only gonna get a spliff or 2 outta this one. I like your pic ganjaman

by the way were your plants lowryder???


Well-Known Member
at the time i was using a 400 watt hps i was told that it was a bad batch of seeds it only happened once


Well-Known Member
at the time i was using a 400 watt hps i was told that it was a bad batch of seeds it only happened once
Cheers ganjaman...ive 3 of these seeds left, seems like a waste of electricty growing these... Ill save this one for a special after christmas smoke:bigjoint:

thanks for comments everyone......


Well-Known Member
lol, thats awesome some lowryders have the phenotypes which can be comically small. You still got a good 4 weeks with that baby.


Well-Known Member
woops sorry thought you were in 30 days, 60 from seed so probably 2 weeks max. get the a magnifier and check the tri's. Also what nutes did you use??


Well-Known Member
i don't know man,....LOL......i don't think it got any bigger. It looks healthy as hell though, it's just so damn weird!!!
I do have to give ya' props for growing a sexy bitch, although it's a sexy midget bitch, it still looks good! Good luck on the next one!