First Grow: PC Case Grow (W/ Pics!)


Well-Known Member
Ok I haven't started the grow yet, I just have everything ordered. Will update on pics when I receive everything, and when I set it up. Still deciding on what kind of seed to get. I limited it down to these ..
top 44
four way
Aurora Indica
Northern Lights x Big Bud
White Rhino

What do you think?

Here is everything I ordered so far..
1. Computer Case (20" Tall / 20" Deep / 9" Wide)
2. 2 Fans (120 mm Quiet, Sound 22.8 dB, AirFlow 36.87)
3. *Haven't Ordered Yet* CFL Lights (42 watt , 150W Equiv) x 4
4. Remote Control Switch to turn off fans and lights when needed
5. 6 Plug Outlet
6. Transformer for fans
7. Light Socket to Plug
8. anything else I need, throw it at me, I got the money lol.



Well-Known Member
It might be a spiffy idea to throw in a batter attached to that LED that leads to the front of the case for an extra effect =)
It is lookin nice buddy, i built a few of these, just make sure it is light proof.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to pickup some of that reflective material at walmart and cover all the cracks when I get the lights setup. What type of seeds should I order?


Well-Known Member
Just about to buy my seeds, but should I have them ship it to my house...or no? I'm going to get Top 44 and Four Way to start out with.


Well-Known Member
Just about to buy my seeds, but should I have them ship it to my house...or no? I'm going to get Top 44 and Four Way to start out with.
ou should have them shipped to a PO Box or a friends House. I had mine sent directly to me but I just don't give a fuck =)
And I meant battery not batter bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Quick do I get all the lights powered? I was thinking about putting a 6 plug power surge on the back and using a socket to plug there a better way?



New Member
I'm going to pickup some of that reflective material at walmart and cover all the cracks when I get the lights setup. What type of seeds should I order?
I would go with White Rhino from nirvana.
Im growing that right now. Its starting off slow but you can already see how compact they are compare to the Northern Lights.

Would go nice with your setup.


Well-Known Member
Nathan, I definitely wouldn't ship seeds to your house. That would make it pretty easy for someone to find your grow if they were looking.


New Member
Nathan, I definitely wouldn't ship seeds to your house. That would make it pretty easy for someone to find your grow if they were looking.
Shipping is stealth. If anything just get it shipped to a house of ur buddy and then have him give u the seeds this way it cant be traced to you but you will have to use cash or something not secure like that or have you friend purchase the seeds with his visa. That way its safe for u both. They go after him they find nothing. And no attention was ever brought to you.


Well-Known Member
Got a few updates...
I'm ordering the seeds tomorrow (White Rino, Topp 44, Four Way)
I also picked up some supplies (Lights, adapters, powersurge, temp reader.
The lights I got are 20W Energy Saver ones. Here is the link will those work or do I need to get some better ones? I was kinda worried that if I got any bigger lights it wouldnt fit in the case.

I'm still waiting on the pc case, fan, and remote control shutoff. Anyone have any other things I should add on the list to get? Any fertilizers, PH stuff, nitrogen ect?



Well-Known Member

I'm all over your optimism but I'm just not sure I can see how you can manage a grow in a PC case. How many plants did you think you were gonna grow? I see that you have 3 different seeds. This leads me to think that you want to grow more than one plant. 1 plant might be possible if: 1. you choose a very shallow tray that fills the bottom of the case. Not a vertical pot but a wide and shallow rectangular one, 2. you flower with 12/12 from the get-go, 3. you do some crazy topping and L.S.T. right away, 4. you plan on harvesting one plant only, and 5, you prepare to more them out when they get too big.

Have you seen a case grow before? What makes you sure it will work?

BTW, what are the colour temps of your bulbs?

more advice: it's all about the soil! get a bag of the good stuff - lots of perlite. Also, think about getting a big plastic jug of distilled water from the supermarket so you don't have to PH.


Well-Known Member
I am ordering all the seeds at once so I don't have to keep shipping new ones.. I am only going to try to grown one at a time and see how cramped the space is. If there is room I'll grow another one. Im not sure about the color temps of the bulbs I got, I got them from walmart. They put out 1190 lumens, i got 4 of them. Think they will work okay?

I'll go pickup some distilled water, and some soil with lots of perlite. I haven't received my case yet, but hopefully it will be arriving soon so I can start to set things up. I also bought the seeds today.


Well-Known Member
6500k is good to start vegging but you'll need the red spectrum bulbs to flower. Think in the 2000's. I think you'll need another rig to flower anyway so don't sweat it.


Well-Known Member
Got the remote turn off thing..pretty cool lol. If anyone walks in and I want it off...just a click away I dont have to run and unplug anything. Still waiting on the case and fan.



Well-Known Member
6500k is good to start vegging but you'll need the red spectrum bulbs to flower. Think in the 2000's. I think you'll need another rig to flower anyway so don't sweat it.
Are the ref spec bulbs very big, because I could probably get them when I'm getting close to that stage. I don't think I'll have to get another setup... I'm only going to be putting one at a time in there.

you should buld 2 pc for flower on for veg.
I might order another case once I get the first one started.