I had to go take a nice long look at his page and genetics he has alot of very unique stuff looks like great breeding stock thank you for the recommendation. Deep Chunk is also a very unique strain that I enjoy alot and he has a very stable cut I may try. I can always appreciate people who perfect a few of their favorite strains over years than hop on the hype train every six months. I love the newer strains of course but I really enjoy how unique the profiles are of the old school stuff maybe a little more. Look at MAC1 he took a new strain and crossed it with a classic strain and made something beautiful. Guys like KOS make stuff like that possible thanks for the recommendation thats awesome. Hey by the way, have you seen or heard anything on the New420Guys seeds if he is legit or not? I keep seeing mixed reviews but he has some classic strains if he's legit that should be really nice. I just don't want to waste my time if he's not.