Three weeks and plants are only and inch


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow, it's been three weeks and my plants are only an inch and a half tall. Miracle Grow Organic Soil, they have had no nutes, and pH has been monitered properly. I just transplated them into bigger pots because they were some pretty small cups, could that have stopped them from growing any bigger? When I was transplanting I noticed their roots were going all throughout the cup so I know they needed something bigger. Although they are only an inch and a half tall, they have around 12-18 leafs each now. 4-5 CFL Lights have been running 24 hours up until yesterday where I switched it to 18/6. Temperature has been a constant 72-80, a fan is also on a timer and turns on and off perodicly. Can anyone help?



Well-Known Member
Are those 6500k lights? They look yellow to me. Just my opinion, I had the same issue until a week ago.


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow, it's been three weeks and my plants are only an inch and a half tall. Miracle Grow Organic Soil,
I was told th MG Organic is NOT for container gardening. You look to have a serious nutrient lockout problem. If you can't get any other soil then add a lot of perlite to what you've got (50 %) and repot. What color are those lights ? Daylight , Warm White, Cool White ?


Well-Known Member
they are cool white lights with alot of blue spectrum, the pictures were just taken on my cell phone so they look yellow. I've been searching around for soil but really could find anything anywhere. It's been two days since the transplant and the plants now seem to be improving. I'll keep it updated.

here is the soil im using

here are the bulbs im using

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I agree with frmrboi! Those babys are probably locked out. Miricle grow works but is not recomended but that looks good for now. Too much fertilizer for young plants for one. Daylight Cfls have the best spectrum for veg @ 6500k. They are $4.00 each at Lowes. Good Luck!

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
sound like they where root bound to me , 3 weeks in a tiny cup , and allso those cfls (if they are cfls ) need to be like 1 0r 2 inches from the top of the plants .
i reckon you will see a massive growth spurt now you have given the roots some room . go easy on the water and i wouldnt add any nutes yet .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
I agree with frmrboi! Those babys are probably locked out. Miricle grow works but is not recomended. Too much fertilizer for young plants for one. I would flush with florakleen or clerex to remove as much nutrients as posible. Then transp;ant into better soil like fox farms ocean forest or something?
does the organic mg have time release (added ferts ) in it ? if it does flushing is the last thing you want to do ,

ive use soil withg added nutes loads of times succesfully the trick is not to give them much water .


Well-Known Member
your pots r tiny man, roots r probly as far as they can go. try transplanting to bigger pots (like 7 litre or something)


Well-Known Member
You need perlite. Your soil is getting more compacted every time you water, making it difficult for the plant to put roots down. Mix 30-50% of perlite into the soil when you do a transplant, this will also help with drainage as MJ plants hate wet soil and the perlite will help that alot.

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
your soil is the issue...pic 1 this was an expriment plant from bag seed using the cheap EXPERT brand "PERFECT MIX" from wal-mart and the bottom half of a gatorade bottle. in this pic it is 3 weeks old.

whats your ph?



Well-Known Member
Idk but it looks to me in one of those pics that you have a humidity dome on your plants. If thats so u need to take that off as soon as the seed sprouts so the plant can get oxygen. That might be the prob.


Well-Known Member
I've heard a lot of growers dis MG but I use it all the time and have never had a problem. Plain and simple, you left them in the little pot for way too long. Water, light and soil, you were skimping on the soil. Now that you transplanted in a bigger pot that baby should take off like a rocket! Good Luck


Active Member
I used that exact bag that you posted and CFL's too and my plant is 3 feet tall in the 4th week of flowering, so its not the soil. It had to be the small pot size or maybe your lights arent close enough or maybe even both. I didnt add any perlite either so planting your seed straight into just that soil is suitable for growth.


Well-Known Member
get some 6500k bulbs from the store, they light up bluer the ones you have now are 2700k which are more red/orange. there will be a huge difference with the 6500k, i started mine with 2700k and they were growing so slow, i slapped a few 6500k on it and it shot up.


Well-Known Member
Alright so I looked up the specs on those bulbs and they were only 3000k. I just got done installing some Bright Effects 6500k 100w lights, and wow, the room is a completely different color. Hopefully with them being in new pots, and having new lights, they can take off. I also bought a bag of perlite, but I'm unsure if I should add any. Can any of you shine in on that? Thanks so much for everything so far.


Active Member
Add the perlite, it will only help. I just threw in there that i didnt use it to prove that the soil its self was not your problem. I only didnt use it because i didnt know any better. I will definetly be adding some perlite for my next grow.


Well-Known Member
Alright, I got the perlite in their and its day two since the new lights. They are starting to grow very quickly already so I think the problem is solved. Thanks everyone!