Getting some surgery tomorrow

So I ended up getting a nerve block that should last 20h ish, other than that prescribed iibrofien!

The nerve block was freaky to get, could feel pressure and hear him plunging through layers :spew:

Everything went well. I got kratom and pot to take the edge off should b fine.
I remember the fkn corticosteroid needle that nurse walked up to me with for my shoulder...damn near shit a brick.
Glad to hear ur good
I get them every 60 days in my right shoulder...He usually plunges the needles into about 4-6 different areas of the shoulder, with NO Novocain or anything. He does use a fluoroscope to guide the needle, and I get amazing relief from them.

I'm getting the other shoulder done for the first time this month, as it's starting to hurt too. And he has done my spine once as well. I don't really trust him with my spine... One wrong plunge and you're not walking ever again.
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I get them every 60 days in my right shoulder...He usually plunges the needles into about 4-6 different areas of the shoulder, with NO Novocain or anything. He does use a fluoroscope to guide the needle, and I get amazing relief from them.

I'm getting the other shoulder done for the first time this month, as it's starting to hurt too. And he has done my spine once as well. I don't really trust him with my spine... One wrong plunge and you're not walking ever again.
For a spine I'd see an anesthesiologist for that.
For a spine I'd see an anesthesiologist for that.
They are the best, but not sure i even could get one for cortisone shots...Do they sometimes do those too?

I was having them done by a back surgeon a few years ago, but they made it such a pain in the ass....He started doing them in the hospital and they make a major production out of it...It turned into a half day procedure, and I never got much relief. My old PM dr....I let him shoot my spine once a few moths ago, and I did better pain relief, but still not enough to justify the risk.
They are the best, but not sure i even could get one for cortisone shots...Do they sometimes do those too?

I was having them done by a back surgeon a few years ago, but they made it such a pain in the ass....He started doing them in the hospital and they make a major production out of it...It turned into a half day procedure, and I never got much relief. My old PM dr....I let him shoot my spine once a few moths ago, and I did better pain relief, but still not enough to justify the risk.
Yes anesthesiologists are usually the guys you send your patients to for exactly that procedure. Some specialize in it and do that almost exclusively and yes mostly they do it in the OR. Most anesthesiologists, unless they have a Pain Control practice, usually don't have an office for patients. But they are worth it IMO.

No way I'd let a surgeon do spinal epidurals, facet joints etc... especially an orthopod.
Yes anesthesiologists are usually the guys you send your patients to for exactly that procedure. Some specialize in it and do that almost exclusively and yes mostly they do it in the OR. Most anesthesiologists, unless they have a Pain Control practice, usually don't have an office for patients. But they are worth it IMO.

No way I'd let a surgeon do spinal epidurals, facet joints etc... especially an orthopod.
That's exactly who was doing mine...a surgeon / back "specialist". And on 2 occasions I had issues. Once I got off the table and almost fell on my face...Couldn't feel my leg, and the 2nd time I was higher than a kite, and no way I should have drove home myself. Those were both in his office, and that's probably why they made him switch to the hospital.

I have had spinals for both my hip replacements. I remember I was worried the first time.
Amazon has shoulder slings (straps not sure the exact term)for ice packs well worth the investment pretty reasonably priced and work great. Start the stir the pot exercise soon as you can
That's exactly who was doing mine...a surgeon / back "specialist". And on 2 occasions I had issues. Once I got off the table and almost fell on my face...Couldn't feel my leg, and the 2nd time I was higher than a kite, and no way I should have drove home myself. Those were both in his office, and that's probably why they made him switch to the hospital.

I have had spinals for both my hip replacements. I remember I was worried the first time.
So glad to hear you’re doing well! Due as Curious suggests. Don’t take any more chances!
So I ended up getting a nerve block that should last 20h ish, other than that prescribed iibrofien!

The nerve block was freaky to get, could feel pressure and hear him plunging through layers :spew:

Everything went well. I got kratom and pot to take the edge off should b fine.
Glad it went well, hopefully you are still well today. For pain meds, I hate the side effects (nausea and constipation for me) and stick with doubling up on ibuprofen. YMMV but that works better for me after surgery, to the point where I didn’t even fill the prescription for Vicodin when I had my knee scoped.
Had just a spinal for that and watched the surgery on a TV screen. It kind of throws off the surgery team to have a fully awake patient but I was told I behaved well by the ortho and the nurse anesthetist afterwards.
It’s weird to not feel part of your body for sure. I contemplated asking my wife to see if everything “worked” while waiting for it to wear off but decided she would not see the humor so I kept that thought private.
Good luck with PT.
You'll also get some weird pain lower down your arm; called referred pain cuz the nerve bundle in the shoulder is traumatized and spazzed out. It hurts but it's not real, you aren't injured down there, they didn't touch that lol
Ur right, it’s strange and feels like I lightly tapped my funny bone
Amazon has shoulder slings (straps not sure the exact term)for ice packs well worth the investment pretty reasonably priced and work great. Start the stir the pot exercise soon as you can
They hooked me up with one, got it
Glad it went well, hopefully you are still well today. For pain meds, I hate the side effects (nausea and constipation for me) and stick with doubling up on ibuprofen. YMMV but that works better for me after surgery, to the point where I didn’t even fill the prescription for Vicodin when I had my knee scoped.
Had just a spinal for that and watched the surgery on a TV screen. It kind of throws off the surgery team to have a fully awake patient but I was told I behaved well by the ortho and the nurse anesthetist afterwards.
It’s weird to not feel part of your body for sure. I contemplated asking my wife to see if everything “worked” while waiting for it to wear off but decided she would not see the humor so I kept that thought private.
Good luck with PT.
Thanks man. The nerve block fully wore off by the time I woke up today, the pain is not horrible. im using kratom and edibles to take the edge off so far so good.