Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Absorbant and yellow and porous is he!
If nautical nonsense be something you wish!
Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish!

SpongeBob SquarePants
Yay for Chiceh!!! I have a brilliant image of Spongebob that I'll find in my b/up disks. I did it myself.

We love Patrick too. "I wanna be Purple!!"
(Here is where Ph03nix and Gryphonn lose ALL street cred)...

We even have Spongebob and 'biker' Patrick soft toys. Haven't got a T-shirt yet, but one of the kids bought me a bunch of Spongebob DVDs for Christmas.


Well-Known Member
The 1st part of the feast is over .. Now relax smoke a few bowls and start hitting all the pies and desserts ,,, Im stuffed .........Burp


Well-Known Member
Bedtime for me gang...it's 5:30 am here. Glad I don't have a day job...
have a great holiday in the states. Good luck to anyone in Mumbai, I hope all is well for your families.


Well-Known Member
I've been waked since 0330, but I keep on rebaking myself. Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk I love off days, especially when you don't have a list of shite to do.....:bigjoint:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
how about wake n bake daily not just for a long weekend

For sure, and the thread was created on a long weekend. I try to wake n bake when ever not having to work. So that leaves the weekends for me to wake n bake, lol. :weed:


Well-Known Member
A pink starfish even, lol. Are SpongeBob and Patrick partners?, lol.
Well, when we got our 'biker' Patrick, he had 'leather' pants, 'leather' vest and chains. So we cut two holes in the cheeks of his pants. He seems a lot more comfortable now. Spongebob appears pleased too, but he's always happy, the little stoner.bongsmilie:eyesmoke:


New Member
Good Morning!! Wow, I only over eat once a year and that was yesterday. I forgot how uncomfortable it makes me feel...... bleh. Woke up early and baking right now...mmmmmm cozy and dark, my honey is snuggled in bed with Pup pups 1,2 & 3, who eagerly took my spot.

Hey speaking of SpongeBob.......

Read the fine print :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Gryphonn ... thats a C99 GF
C99 GF???

Thats an original Grapefruit which is a hybred mostly sweet cindy or C99 pheno.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday, the annoying irritating bible banging bastards were on their best behavior.
I started the day hoping for a major injury to call in sick to my own T,day dinner.
My fault because I felt sorry they had no food and their families found them also irritating and failed to extend an invitation to them.

Karma was with me, being toasted with the GF made all things good.