Dispensary cannabis

This is nuts, how are they getting around possession limits?
These guys are in my area. The custies love them, that’s for sure. If I’m going to buy Cali’s surplus I’ll stick with my plug and not give my money to a bunch of chodes.
I don't buy from the dispo very often, just if I'm in the mood for something different.
I've gotten some excellent stuff. In fact, never anything sub par.
Grape Stomper was excellent. Blueberry Muffin was fire. Went back for a zip after finishing that 8th.
One thing I make sure to do is ask what recently came in. Never buy the stuff that's got a harvest date older than 3-4 months.
These guys are in my area. The custies love them, that’s for sure. If I’m going to buy Cali’s surplus I’ll stick with my plug and not give my money to a bunch of chodes.
Doesn’t answer the question how they can be sitting there with all that weight. And those gummies packed like candy?! There has to be some responsible adult packaging.
Flower is about the only thing I don’t buy. Once you have a spot who has classic ogs that all smell like 2010. I can’t punch my gut hard enough to pay anything over 120oz.
im pretty sure that homeless dude by the gas station can get better bud off the street lol.

rule of thumb. If it’s on weedmaps. Odds are. Their weed is trash and they are third party
Doesn’t answer the question how they can be sitting there with all that weight. And those gummies packed like candy?! There has to be some responsible adult packaging.
Probably because the cops don’t give a shit anymore. They literally interviewed the police for that article and they just said “ain’t shit we can do, because loopholes.”:lol: If I was BMillz, I’d be more concerned about getting a fat tax bill once the rec market actually opens.
Probably because the cops don’t give a shit anymore. They literally interviewed the police for that article and they just said “ain’t shit we can do, because loopholes.”:lol: If I was BMillz, I’d be more concerned about getting a fat tax bill once the rec market actually opens.
By the time NYS gets licensing they’ll lose money as usual. Whatever happened to the days of Nelson Rockefeller and John Lindsey?
When we had dispensaries who bought medical from passionate growers you could get dank! When we went recreational the commercial farms no longer care about the quality and care, just the bottom line.
Breeders breeding for all the wrong purpose,
breeding for high numbers in all the wrong depts.

Then you end up with these children who think 100 an eighth is okay because it’s fire.
that’s the problem. The younger generation opening their pockets to whatever bud looks pretty. And not giving a damn about the price.
No. Never said that. I said there weed is the only weed that people buy and only tourist to the city. Essp now with the Super Bowl

we’re you from grass hopper ? And. No. Weed from the streets do not come laced with fet. That’s the biggest rumor in southern Cali. Nobody is lacing a 100/g chemical in a 20 dollar eighth. Again. I’m sorry you can’t find real weed. Enjoy your 100 dollar eighth while I enjoy the same weed I grew from the same breeder your buddies use.

also. You wait in line to pay 100 dollars an eighth. Dude. It’s weed. Not the next pair of Jordan’s

If you are buying weed from the hood, you are always running the risk of it coming laced with other drugs or just downright contaminated. You obviously do not put a full gram of Fet in an 8th of weed lol. It only takes 2mg of Fet to kill you. There have been numerous cases of Fet overdose from Marijuana use all over the country, not a myth at all.

Is there something wrong with waiting in line at a dispensary? That is expected at every dispensary or store you go to.

I consider weed to be my biggest hobby/passion in life and I do not think there is anything wrong with spending your money on a hobby you enjoy. Your mentality on weed (getting your fix for the least dollars) is the sort of mentality a junkie has.

Doja offers an affordable solution to those looking to get some of the best craft weed in SoCal. Most of the world renowned craft growers in the area are charging $2000+ per oz direct look at KhashTreeMason's not only is it $4k a zip but a 6 month+ waiting list to get it!

Like I said, get with the times old man! Your $20 an 8th hood dealer is not supplying elite level weed lol.
The Hawaii Dispensary Alliance keeps trying to attack medical home growers because they say 69% of patients do not shop at dispensaries and "Acquire their cannabis through other means." They've been running news articles implying that those 69%e are buying off the black market, but they like to leave out the part where most patients either grow their own or have a caregiver that grows for them. No reason to buy $60 1/8ths when you can grow outdoor year round with very little overhead.
Doja offers an affordable solution to those looking to get some of the best craft weed in SoCal. Most of the world renowned craft growers in the area are charging $2000+ per oz direct look at KhashTreeMason's not only is it $4k a zip but a 6 month+ waiting list to get it!
So you are saying Khash is charging upwards of $500 an 1/8th?! Props to him if so, but california must be full of some gullible idiots if they are paying that much for a zip.
Doja offers an affordable solution to those looking to get some of the best craft weed in SoCal. Most of the world renowned craft growers in the area are charging $2000+ per oz direct look at KhashTreeMason's not only is it $4k a zip but a 6 month+ waiting list to get it!

Like I said, get with the times old man! Your $20 an 8th hood dealer is not supplying elite level weed lol.

What sort of cuts are commanding such prices?
Elite strains for elite clientele?
I know quite a few deep pockets that only buy from clubs. And they would never buy bs like that out here. Not that dumbasses like that aren’t out here. But I’m yet to meet any that dumb.
If you are buying weed from the hood, you are always running the risk of it coming laced with other drugs or just downright contaminated. You obviously do not put a full gram of Fet in an 8th of weed lol. It only takes 2mg of Fet to kill you. There have been numerous cases of Fet overdose from Marijuana use all over the country, not a myth at all.

Is there something wrong with waiting in line at a dispensary? That is expected at every dispensary or store you go to.

I consider weed to be my biggest hobby/passion in life and I do not think there is anything wrong with spending your money on a hobby you enjoy. Your mentality on weed (getting your fix for the least dollars) is the sort of mentality a junkie has.

Doja offers an affordable solution to those looking to get some of the best craft weed in SoCal. Most of the world renowned craft growers in the area are charging $2000+ per oz direct look at KhashTreeMason's not only is it $4k a zip but a 6 month+ waiting list to get it!

Like I said, get with the times old man! Your $20 an 8th hood dealer is not supplying elite level weed lol.
Great troll bro, you had me there for a second, no way anyone is that dense.
$10 an 1/8th dispensary weed. I didn't buy it. I smoked a bowl and got good and stoned. Tasted ok. Not the best but it wasn't bad. It's not nearly as good as what many are growing but it's smokable weed. I'm glad people are able to buy cheap weed legally.
