Your Favorite Terpenes/Terp Profiles?

Everything tastes a million times better if you vape. I know exactly what you mean, only very few strains actually have a taste and usually only at the start of the joint.

I'm actually the most interested in those strains that taste good without a vape and have notable flavor that lasts till the end of the joint. Thats my basic criteria for a keeper. 2nd criteria is must be able to finish outdoor.
OG Kush, Chemdog, Sour Diesel, Pre-98 Bubba, Sour Dubb, etc.
I echo a lot of people here who have said they like all the flavors etc. I honestly can't think of any properly grown and cured flower I've tried that I disliked. That being said I've found a strain I could smoke/vape/dab every day forever...Jenny Kush and its a really unique (to me) combo of vanilla and nuts. Someone earlier mentioned almonds and I might have to borrow that to describe Jenny Kush. If I could only track down a seed or two...... I know saying it would be my forever strain is like listening to the same song on repeat....well....forever. I've just never tasted any bud I like this much.
Just getting back into growing after a 25yr hiatus. Only grew one strain when I was busy at it and that was a Skunk #1 from The Seed Bank. This was almost 30 yrs ago, but I will never forget that cat piss/burned rubber skunk spray aroma. First grow indoors I am trying Super Skunk autos, from Homegrown Cannabis Co.
It def has a nice skunky smell but too sweet.
I’ll keep trying until I find it…..if anyone knows of a sure fire cat piss strain I’d be forever grateful.
Just getting back into growing after a 25yr hiatus. Only grew one strain when I was busy at it and that was a Skunk #1 from The Seed Bank. This was almost 30 yrs ago, but I will never forget that cat piss/burned rubber skunk spray aroma. First grow indoors I am trying Super Skunk autos, from Homegrown Cannabis Co.
It def has a nice skunky smell but too sweet.
I’ll keep trying until I find it…..if anyone knows of a sure fire cat piss strain I’d be forever grateful.

707 catpiss
My favorite is sour or meaty. Miss my headbanger that was so sour it would make your neck twinge like when you take a first sip of Heineken
I love a good pho! Same with shots of Sambuca or even good black licorice.

But I do not want it in my smoke. :spew:
Naw, lmao. If it has anise or taste like black licorice I'm out. I think I've had pho before but don't recall anise taste to it.

Im one of the folks that cilantro taste like soap so it may just be my taste buds but yall can have the black licorice or that blackjack gum.
Lemon. I hate piney or earthy strains for some reason

Lol, I go the opposite, pine tasting weed has been doing it for me lately, got kind of tired of lemons, don't dislike them, just had it a bit too often. I don't really like whatever the soap taste is, particularly when it's mixed with light floral tastes...thats really soapy to me and blah.