Who remembers the 60's?

I remember when this came out like it was yesterday. Between my uncle, and my older sisters boyfriend, I was up on the newest music from a young age. I got my first guitar when I was 5 in 1963, and I still play. Got all kinds of great equipment.

Hendrix has been my favorite since the first time I heard him. Sisters boyfriend also used to get me stoned every now and them when I was 8 years old in 1966.
Early on I listened to alot of Dylan, Peter Paul, and Mary. Uncle also used to listen alot to Tommy Maken, and the Clancy Brothers. They were Irish Folk group who sang alot about drinking beer. I quit drinking though in 1977.

Also contrary to popular belief, Purple Haze isnt about LSD. Its about a dream he had in 1965, after reading a science fiction novel, and all he could see around him, was a Purple Haze.

The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze (Audio)

The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Like A Rolling Stone (Live At Monterey Pop Festival 1967)

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Long one of my favorites. Sadly, I think less of him now.
Me too, but I think a lot of his problem was he couldn't work, and he saw other people singing. A lot of these old time rockers are broke and have to tour to make a living. True to the law of unintended consequences, him being so outspoken will cost him even more money in the long run.