New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

I went to the meat counter at my local market and asked if he had a whole pork belly he could sell me. He got this kind of confidential look on his face and said I think I can help you and walked into his freezer and came back with an entire cryovacced belly. He sold it to me for 4.99 a pound. Took it home and portioned it up into the chest freezer.. It's all gradually turning into twice cooked pork or red cooked pork.. It's going to kill me I know : )

Haha, yeah when we go to China my wife's friends all know I love it so they always order it when we go out. The majority of the women don't touch it. I feel like such a glutton. Lol.
I went to the meat counter at my local market and asked if he had a whole pork belly he could sell me. He got this kind of confidential look on his face and said I think I can help you and walked into his freezer and came back with an entire cryovacced belly. He sold it to me for 4.99 a pound. Took it home and portioned it up into the chest freezer.. It's all gradually turning into twice cooked pork or red cooked pork.. It's going to kill me I know : )
The commissary carries cryovaced whole pork belly. I love crispy pork belly and I'm willing to make it at home. I still have some left.
I went to the meat counter at my local market and asked if he had a whole pork belly he could sell me. He got this kind of confidential look on his face and said I think I can help you and walked into his freezer and came back with an entire cryovacced belly. He sold it to me for 4.99 a pound. Took it home and portioned it up into the chest freezer.. It's all gradually turning into twice cooked pork or red cooked pork.. It's going to kill me I know : )
Everything in moderation, right?
I stopped eating beef in 2016.
Was actually in your neck of the woods. Manny’s in MSP.
In town for a Viking game. Bunch of us ate there. Had the absolute worst cut and cooked porterhouse ever. Paid over $100 for it too. Might have been a double. I politely complained. They brought it back and tried to guss it up. No dice. Had no time for them to prepare another so I told them take it off the bill. Took a manager, and a little Brooklyn from me, but they did. Turned me off to beef. Haven’t eaten it since. Can’t even look at a hamburger anymore. Weird.
Eventually stopped eating lamb and pork just because. No health issues, just a preference now.
Poultry and fish only these days. Occasionally I’ll eat some game if I come across it in my circle. Especially rabbit.
I gotta go do some sled riding with the kiddo now. But to end my parley in here I will leave you with what I think is perhaps my favorite dish of all time…
Oh my that sounds wonderful. As I'm reading it I'm checking off the requirements, yep, yep LOL No I'm not deep frying an entire duck but I bet @420God with that Butterball Turkey fryer could!
Fresh wild caught haddock filets with baked russets and peas

Pat dry filets, top with panko, crushed low sodium Ritz and some dry herbs (thyme, chives, sage, etc)
Haddock is so nice and delicate, it doesnt need much.
Drizzle some melted butter and bake for 15-20 minutes.

This is so quick and easy. Maybe 10 min prep time...and that includes mixing a drink!
baked haddock.jpg

Oh yeah, and a CC & Ginger to sip while your work :mrgreen:
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I tried bread pudding for the first time just a few years ago at Disney World. I fucking loved it. And is one of the few things that I actually have made! Hold the raisins though. :p. I like them just fine by their lonesome though. Grabbing a chocolate chip cookie and biting into it only to find you've been duped by an oatmeal raisin is soul murder.

My wife is from Guizhou which is the province just south of Sichuan. The food is very similar. I'm pretty spoiled. One of my favorites is double cooked pork belly.
Screw mod, Neo for POTUS!
I love cookbooks...especially those that have some age on them.

That bread pudding recipe came from an old composition notebook that holds my grandmothers handwritten collection of recipes. Its mostly pies, jams, and breads.

Its so endearing to read her measurements. Her flour "cup" wasnt actually an 8 oz measuring cup. It was an old ceramic coffee cup with a missing/broken handle.

That generation was so frugal - nothing was wasted and most things were repurposed.
My mother-in-law, god rest her soul, would keep as little as a tablespoon of leftover vegetables to
make soup later.

Born in 1928 she lived through the Great Depression and learned to be frugal out of necessity.

Not a pic of my MIL.
Pork Belly is best made into bacon.

My father left a significant cookbook collection. I still haven't really looked at them closely. I did pull a couple that caught my eye though out of the boxes.

This one from 1976 has a ton of recipes. Jambalaya, crawfish, chicken and dumplings, deserts, sauces, etc... It's a collection of recipes from locals some going back generations.



This one is copyright 1967. It has recipes from some of the top restaurants at the time.
