Pure Cannabis Sativa Landrace


Well-Known Member
Mary Mary how contrary
How does your garden grow
Hydroponic, ultra super sonic
Or does it grow naturally slow



Well-Known Member
Nice! You'll likely find some magical trippy phenos in there and if your latitude is suitable, you'll be able to handle the extra-long FP outdoors...

I'm GREEN with envy, don'cha know, being stuck with indoor at lat. 54.


Well-Known Member
Nice! You'll likely find some magical trippy phenos in there and if your latitude is suitable, you'll be able to handle the extra-long FP outdoors...

I'm GREEN with envy, don'cha know, being stuck with indoor at lat. 54.
Oh Boy! I am at 28°N, so it is manageble here. Last week was bad with temp in low 50s but they will be okay. Sativas are pretty resilient feom what I have experienced


Well-Known Member
But seriously WB, while you have a near-perfect lat., you'll likely find maturing them in pots to be a very fraught process.

An open, well-irrigated patch of land would give you a far better harvest---something you probably know already...?
Yes, you are absolutely correct. I can grow giants in there
Still learning
Next step is to rent a piece of land and grow them. I can pop the seeds near my home but most likely will be harvested by people other than me. 1.3 billion populations has a lot of ganja smokers bro


Well-Known Member
That is some authentic landrace.

I'm 26° S, so I also have the benefit of year round growing. I miss having a yard. Grew some ripper sativas last year. Some strains will flower year round. These went into flower at the start of December which is the start of summer. They loved the hot, humid weather. These were Laos highland sativa that I accidentally crossed with BCN critical the year before due to pulling a male late.