This forum is dead

Same on your end. Hence my few word post in passing lol. I'm far more vile and beastly when offended. Throw out 9th grade Insults like a pro.
YO MOM IS A FATTY! and now shut up thx

(BTW respect for responding in kind; in these waters it's actually impossible to tell irony because the most ludicrous garbage is posted by some people to be taken at face value.)
Those who buy dispensary weed certainly can do what they please. Those of us in the actual know and that is many guys here will continue to watch the sheep come to the pasture.
Did buddy who likes legal weed see the Twood PM mold thread?
Fuck everyone of these store owners. I'm gonna help put them out of some are gonna be taught the hard way who really owns cannabis. Cuz it ain't them I'll tell ya.
I've seen changes even in the last month in the BM's favor. We'll see how it goes for these copy cat clone stores as they fail one by one. It's coming....someone mark my words. Fail they will....hahahahahaha.
gonna love it each time one goes tits up this year.
The cat's out of the bag and there is no putting it back in.

given their curiosity

or appetite
this cat tried desperately reach the joghurt at the bottom and now is stuck lmao

It is what it is.
or "we" try to make out of it:

"Marijuana should remain illegal!
1.168 have signed.


A.L. Morales hat diese Petition an Guam Governor gestartet.

Marijuana should remain illegal.
The federal government is planning to legalize marijuana, however, it’s policy on marijuana is like an octopus. It requires clear and decisive leadership across the board to untangle it.

What we know
Marijuana is derived from the Cannabis sativa plant. It contains more than 100 chemical compounds, called cannabinoids. The main psychoactive chemical in marijuana, responsible for most of the intoxicating effects, is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

As more states move forward with marijuana legalization, medicinal or recreational, what will the true costs of legalization be?

The brain is a spiderweb, delicate, minimal, hypersensitive and orchestrates movement of things, ideas, and emotions. One of the most disturbing effects of marijuana is its impacts on the brain.

Nervous System

  • A study in New Zealand found that persistent marijuana use starting in adolescence was associated with a loss of an average of 8 IQ points.
  • It prevents nerve pathways from maturing in areas of the brain known to be involved in executive functioning. This maturing process occurs in our adolescent years and helps us with planning, reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making.
  • A recent Northwestern University study found that marijuana users have abnormal brain structure and poor memory and that chronic marijuana abuse may lead to brain changes resembling schizophrenia, a long-term mental disorder. The study also reported that the younger the person starts using marijuana, the worse the effects become.
  • Cannabis causes abnormal cell division, which leads to severe hereditary defects.
  • Children whose parents are marijuana users have reduced initiative, poorer performance on visual-motor coordination, higher behavioral problem rates and lessened abilities to concentrate.
Respiratory System
  • Researchers in Canada report that marijuana smoke contains ammonia levels 20 times higher while hydrogen cyanide occurred at levels 3-5 times higher in the marijuana smoke than tobacco smoke
  • Marijuana smoke contains 50% to 70% more cancer-causing substances than tobacco smoke. One major research study reported that a single cannabis joint could cause as much damage to the lungs as up to five regular cigarettes smoked one after another. Long-time joint smokers often suffer from bronchitis, an inflammation of the respiratory tract.
Medical Marijuana/ CBD
  • From a research perspective, medical marijuana is simply hard to study. Marijuana is still classified as a Schedule I substance, which means that it has a high risk for abuse and lacks any accepted medical use.
  • According to Dr. Mukamal, a professor from Harvard Medical, states that most of the available data are from animal experiments or observational studies that rely on people's willingness to report their marijuana use and since most users are recreational, it's tough to accurately measure dosage and frequency.
  • There have been no uses of medical marijuana that subjected to the kind of rigorous testing we’d want for a pharmaceutical.
Existing laws
  • For medical purposes, legalizing marijuana is not needed because there are existing laws for legal cannabidiol.
  • CBD is a cannabis compound that has medical benefits, but does not make people feel “stoned or high” and can actually counteract the psychoactivity of THC.
  • Many states have passed laws allowing the use of a CBD extract usually in oil form often used for the treatment of epilepsy and seizures in seriously ill children and can provide relief from pain, anxiety, and nausea.
The Society
A useful analogy can be made to gambling. Legalized gambling has not reduced illegal gambling in the United States; rather, it has increased it. Legal marijuana would set the stage for illegal marijuana trafficking.

  • Other than alcohol, Marijuana is currently the leading cause of substance abuse in the U.S.
  • In 2008, 4.2 million of the 7 million people aged 12 or older suffering from any substance use disorder are suffering from marijuana abuse. If the U.S. were to legalize marijuana, the number of marijuana users would increase.
  • After marijuana was legalized in Colorado and Washington state, positive marijuana drug test results increased to 23% and 6.3% in the workplace nationally.
  • According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, Marijuana proved to be the main drug involved in the increase of drugged driving, contributing to 12% of 2010 crashes and 28%of traffic deaths in 2010.
Is legalizing Marijuana going to make this a better country or a worse one? Would you want to live in a neighborhood filled with people who regularly smoke marijuana? Would you want young kids, the future of this nation, regularly smoking pot? Now is the time to think about it because although it's easy to thoughtlessly legalize a drug like marijuana when things go wrong down the road, it will be a lot harder to put the genie back in the bottle.
Legalizing marijuana is not a smart public health or public safety strategy for any state or for our nation. Those who support its legalization, medicinal or recreational, fail to recognize that the greatest costs of marijuana are not related to its prohibition; they are the costs resulting from marijuana use itself."

I don't get it. People constantly complaining about dispo weed, but it gets tested to extremely tight tolerances for THC, CBD and chemical traces, especially medical grade.

Most of the stuff grown indoors by your next door neighbour is completely untested, yet everyone just assumed its way better with zero testing or verification simply because "dispo weed is trash"

Am I missing something? For example dispos over here give you a detailed testing analysis with every purchase. Have a few friends with licences and they have to provide extremely tight cannabinoid tolerances and basically zero traces of pgr's or dangerous chemical or it's literally disposed of.

But PM is perfectly ok....
That's Big Ag you traitor, it's shitty weed, of course it's easy to grow shitty weed, now gtfo.
The consumer needs to spend their money where they want, the black market will just end up full of eagle20 and forbid and floramite...

Hands down I'd take safe weed over toxic A bud... and until they give access to homegrown test and sales... i don't see that changing...

So buy from small firms production
Finally I understand RIU.

That study is so riddled with flaws... Kassio I'm very surprised to see you regurgitate that dead necrotic mess here...or is my underatanding of your context off and it a a joke.

Study had kids self reporting and not continuously, some reporting here some there and none of it was done through a reviewed process...just raw self reporting data...
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