Happy thread :)

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I'm hear to tell you I've figured it out as why Dump got in.
Evolutionary regression.
The mid west and the south were left to breed themselves backwards. They're becoming troglidites.
It makes sense. The Spaniards brought pigs over here which escaped and becaome boars, razor backs.
The red states regressed to there primitive selves.
We left the bread basket to ferment into Neanderthals.
Maybe they're trainable, but I have my doubts.
In-fighting hopefully. Arkansas fighting Missouri. Who then takes on Tennesse and Kentucky.
Clubs and stone tools carnage.
Your thoughts.
I'm having a hard time with pro life groups forcing someone to give birth then punish them for getting pregnant.
Denying medicare. Denying post natal care. Then hating all of them for having babies.
I'd love to find the pressure point where they all have aneurysms. Find them flopping around on street corners....
If they were more “all about” caring for and about “the children born anyway”, I’d maybe be softer on them.
I'll take that as a compliment.
Do you know any airboat rides up in the panhandle where they take you out to see dinosaur sized alligators and the feed them chicken and pet them?
That sort of thing is in south florida. Airboats work great in the glades, but most of the water up here is in sloughs, creeks and rivers.

Plus around my parts the gators don't get that big. Either they stay deep in the sloughs and are never seen, or they get shot.
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