What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

Either he's completely insane or his back on the crack.

Both could quite easily be the case.
DeSantis is leading the Republican push to destroy our public education system it really seems. Listening to his bullshit about not teaching anything someone could snowflake about is just nonstop word play. Saying shit that sounds fine if you are brainwashed into thinking that it is happening, when it is not. So that they can pretend at worst it is a solution to a problem that is not there.

But the problem is that the changes are set up so that the lies that parents 'feel' are true can be used in the future to tear down educators and school systems that don't bend a knee to whatever Dear Leader says.

It is a lot like the nazi use of kids to turn in people who are not true believers, but also the parents who are brainwashed.

This is like the Kentucky (and Texas books) school board injecting bullshit religion into the public schools on steroids.
Either he's completely insane or his back on the crack.

I remember hearing that the Venezuelan and Spanish military intelligence was responsible for the computerized alteration of the elections in favor of Biden, heh, heh, heh, heh ....
(That's like saying Zimbabwe is a space power of the first order, heh, heh, heh...)
Evangelical Churches are NOT Christian. A Christian Church would teach what Jesus taught. Matt 5-7 would be a good place to begin. But they have exchanged Jesus for graven trump.