I wanna ask on what stage and week are my plants of flower and if they are in late flower

Sorry man maybe still defensive. Went into a unit today and found an 80something yr old on the floor crying asking me to get her in her walker chair thing that slid to the other side of room which I obviously did. She was grateful company not so much reminded me of touching policy>:(are you fn kidding. Screw policy I’ll take my chance she’s won’t make an accusation
Sorry man maybe still defensive. Went into a unit today and found an 80something yr old on the floor crying asking me to get her in her walker chair thing that slid to the other side of room which I obviously did. She was grateful company not so much reminded me of touching policy>:(are you fn kidding. Screw policy I’ll take my chance she’s won’t make an accusation
u was helpfull at the other day i rly dont keep records im seeing them every hour obsessed with their beauty for a first grower u know u dont want to mess something up
Haha grammar police on pot site cracks me up but yes I know I’m just old lazy use autfofill and give zero fucks
Be careful with that Neopermin , it has neurotoxicity in humans … I use similar products like Delta Dust for crack and crevice for residential / commercial jobs . Plant will not uptake it , but surface areas of soil will bind to it. It will kill fungus gnats and a few other broad spectrum pests .

Make sure your plant watering isn’t over done as adults attract to moist conditions … leading to them birthing larval forms that will attack roots.
Some simple top cover materials can be added such as horticultural sand as a physical barrier , sticky’s for adults also. Worse case problems can be resolved with bottom watering techniques to. Just be careful of hazards associated with “ powders “ and contact.

Deltamethrin is the active , but will be available under various maker names.