Current climatic conditions

It's been a windy, raw day here. I finished the mowing at the graveyard and most likely will bushhog a little bit before it starts cooling off too much. At 1355 it's cloudy, 50F with 66% humidity. Forecast high low of 48/34F with no chance of rain.

This was a couple hours ago. There were lots of black clouds, but they were to the south.

A very pretty day here. It got down to 29F but warmed up in a hurry. I got out about 1030 and flagged a few rows for planting the trees coming in Thursday. I over dressed and had to shuck after just a half hour.

At 1305 it's sunny, 57F with 43% humidity. Forecast high low of 57/33F with almost no chance of rain until Thursday. It may be Saturday before I get started on the trees.
54°F, 84% humidity, light rain. It's supposed to stop raining this afternoon and then we're looking at a week of dry weather with daytime highs in the low 50's and nighttime lows in the low-mid 30's.
Less than that up here just north of the 40th...

The biggest thing I fight in the winter without a doubt is SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder.

I don't have SAD in the winter. Instead I have Affective Disorder year round. It's not seasonal. :mrgreen:
The freeways are parking lots this morning, thanks to a third straight day of freezing temperatures mixed with drizzle and snow.

I guess they gotta do the winter thing sometime...
The freeways are parking lots this morning, thanks to a third straight day of freezing temperatures mixed with drizzle and snow.

I guess they gotta do the winter thing sometime...

News crews on every freeway overpass acting like it's armageddon?
I dunno; I'm not out in it and I don't watch TV news lol

But they gotta fill up that "news" time somehow if they're not actually going to report on anything lol

If there's a single snowflake they have all the spots staked out around here. You'd think a comet was going to crash into earth and destroy mankind the way they dramatize things.
If there's a single snowflake they have all the spots staked out around here. You'd think a comet was going to crash into earth and destroy mankind the way they dramatize things.
They're not allowed to do news anymore; it costs to much money and might piss off a potential advertiser...

Yeah, that's cynical but I've seen far too much concrete evidence this is true.
We had rain all afternoon, so I got out after supper and planted trees. Kind of windy, but not too bad. I got about 200 planted.

At 0125 it's cloudy, 45F with 90% humidity. Forecast low of 40F with 50% chance of rain tonight, and 80% tomorrow. Lows of 28F for Sunday and Monday mornings.
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My county's EMS Facebook page just put out a post that they got more slip n fall and car accident calls in one morning from the ice than they usually get in a month.

So yeah, it was slick...
A great day for tree planting. At 1300 it's cloudy, 44F with 88% humidity. Forecast high low of 47/27F with no rain until Tuesday.
44F and 88% RH at sea level? Blech! Better you than me, buddy!
My feet were cold, and when the wind really kicked up, I could feel it on my face, but I would actually get too hot when the wind laid. You always hope for cold wet weather when you are planting trees.