Examples of GOP Leadership

Voting was easy. It was a couple blocks away. I voted there. It was just as easy as going to the liquor store. ID please, heres your ballot, thank you. 10 minutes tops.
Luckily being on the internet you can say anything you like. You must have been a very dedicated criminal who was constantly locked up and voting for the couple? years before you left the ghetto.


Also I call bullshit on getting ID'd for liquor in Detroit back in the day. Or whatever big bad city you are claiming you came from.

I'm no savior to my best friend who happens to be black. More like family. I see him 5 days a week for 10 hours a day. Sometimes on the weekends. I would do anything for him and I feel like he would do the same to me. We came up together.
That is nice.

Im sure he is totally open about his experiences with racism with you (his boss).
Luckily being on the internet you can say anything you like. You must have been a very dedicated criminal who was constantly locked up and voting for the couple? years before you left the ghetto.


Also I call bullshit on getting ID'd for liquor in Detroit back in the day. Or whatever big bad city you are claiming you came from.

That is nice.

Im sure he is totally open about his experiences with racism with you (his boss).
Call BS all you want, I don't really care if you believe me or not. news flash... Its not that hard to get an ID.

And he shares all his racism stories with me. He has a bunch of them. Hes had experiences with a bad cops. Store owners. He is an avid fisherman too. He gets his fair share of racism on the water. I never denied racism exists.
Luckily being on the internet you can say anything you like. You must have been a very dedicated criminal who was constantly locked up and voting for the couple? years before you left the ghetto.
To add, back then, I always voted Dem across the board.

I voted for Obama twice too. I even took advantage of his tax credits for buying property. I got an extra 10 thousand or so in 2008 because of it.

I vote on my interests not party lines. Show me a Dem who will benefit me, and I would be happy to research or even vote.

I really liked Tulsi, but I already know what you're going to say.
Call it what you want.

I live in an upscale neighborhood now. All the lily whites born with the silver spoon say the same thing as you. They speak of things they don't know about.

You don't know what being poor and hungry is like until you have actually been poor and hungry. And when I say hungry, its not waiting an hour until your husband comes home late from the office. Its you ate the last piece of cheese 2 days ago and you're 11 years old going through a growth spurt. Stealing a snicker from 7/11 hoping you don't get caught, breaking a piece off so your little brother can have a bite for dinner. Don't think I forgot where I came from. But you better believe when I didn't have to depend on someone for help, I wasn't hungry again.
i grew up dirt poor for the first ten years of my life, and when my mom got remarried when i was ten, we went to being middle class, which was like winning a lottery...so don't tell me i don't know what its like to be poor, when there were days my mom would go without eating so that i wouldn't...
we got lucky and my mom married a decent man who treated us pretty well, and had a good job he was good at, but we were incredibly lucky, and i've known that for a long time...
and most minorities won't ever get lucky, if they climb out of the shithole conservatives have assigned them to live in, they usually have to do it on their own, with cops kicking their asses, and arrogant republicans telling them to "pull themselves up by their boot straps"...
Call BS all you want, I don't really care if you believe me or not. news flash... Its not that hard to get an ID.

And he shares all his racism stories with me. He has a bunch of them. Hes had experiences with a bad cops. Store owners. He is an avid fisherman too. He gets his fair share of racism on the water. I never denied racism exists.
I never needed an ID to buy liquor as a kid in Detroit.

So you know racism is real, yet you still pretend like 'all' it takes is what was it? "not being a victim" or some shit. to succeed in life. A lot of shit is just plain luck of the draw. And when you are dealing with hate on a far greater scale than you experienced growing up from people in authority trying to break you down that increases the chances that you will end up having a devastating outcome, regardless of actually doing anything wrong or not.

So your statement of:

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Them not being afraid of the police because they are not making bad choices is bullshit.

To add, back then, I always voted Dem across the board.

I voted for Obama twice too. I even took advantage of his tax credits for buying property. I got an extra 10 thousand or so in 2008 because of it.

I vote on my interests not party lines. Show me a Dem who will benefit me, and I would be happy to research or even vote.
Well the fact that every Republican POTUS has led our nation into a economic recession for the last 100+ years and the fact that Biden already has had more job creation in his first year that Trump and Bush's had in their entire presidencies, and that Obama set us on a path for stable economic stability after rescuing our economy from the Bush led Great Recession, and Clinton's economy was the most stable 8 years in the last century.

The choice of what party's presidency is going to economically benefit the majority of Americans is pretty easy to see (unless the person is brainwashed by all the snake oil salesman that the Repubclians use to sell their bullshit agenda).

I really liked Tulsi, but I already know what you're going to say.
lol I bet you do.

Does it bother you that there is not a Russian scam that you don't seem to fall for?
What about Jo Jo? Way more conservative than the dim witted trump.
If she had a chance to win, she would 100% get my vote.

See the two parties wont give her a chance to make the ballot. They try to get rid of someone like her as fast as they can. American politics.