You do realise that there's more than one reference to a flying donkey in Islam? The donkey was the mode of transport in Arabia for one & in another hadith the donkey has its ears stretched out like the wings of an aeroplane... It's describing an aircraft you idiot. Do you actually believe you're the first people to see aeroplanes? hahaha ffs. Aeroplanes are depicted on Egyptian Heiroglyphs also just like the Egyptians loved sticking shit up peoples noses as a punishment. It pierced the blood brain barrier hahahaha If you actually thought for yourselves & didn't let "Others" do the thinking for you you might actually understand some of this shit. The Moon was allegedly split in his time also. Even I struggle understanding that I will admit until I found an instance in 1178 AD where it actually happened & was documented. Something looked like it hit the top part of the crescent moon & then fell to the Earth.
629 - count forward 70 years all the way up to the present..Don't worry I got plenty more.. As I said I am a historian & a 13 year student of Eschatology (Biblical & Quran).Ever thought that maybe the Asteroid coming in 2029 is the same object the hit the moon back in his time? Duh...
2029 - 629 (When Mohammad set of for Mecca) = 1400 years.. Can you put 70 into the previous without a remainder? Um yes.. Don't question me about shit dude.
I guess next it's "He was having sex with 6 year olds or something" yeah?
Well guess what? Aisha had a sister who was born 10 years prior to herself in 595 AD. Can you explain to me how she was born in 614 AD if she is 10 years younger than her sister Aasma? Aasma was 27 years old at Hijra (622 AD). Come on...The 614 AD comes from a Tafsir which says Aisha was between 10-19 years younger than Aasma. Some idiot ran with 19 years & it became mainstream without doing their diligence.
She was 16 & 19 years old. She fought during the battle of Badr in 624 AD to which no one male or female under the age of 15 could participate. If she was born in 614 AD she would of been 10/11years old & NOT at the legal age to participate in any war. Yous have been DUPED.
Any more brain busters for me? I've memorized all my work/study dude. My brain operates like the device you're looking at

Throw anything you want at me... Pisses me off when people ask for citation haha because I don't even have to look at it anymore hahaha