First outdoor in New York

Having a clone sale New Years in Freeport ny all verified clean clones rooted just trying to show love no clone over 250$ if you use this post get 35% off total minimum purchase 2
Uk Cheese
Hello growers, I'm planning my second grow ever with 2 Dream Queens. Now's the time to get your nutrients, seeds, pots, and soil in order. Germinate April, in ground end of May, flower starts end of July, harvest October. This year, I'll use miracle grow nutes during veg in ground, and fox farm trio during flower. I'll plant cilantro and marigolds near them to attract ladybugs, and sunflower plants in the back for the miners to munch on. You might think it'd be bad to feed miners since they would multiply, however when the sun flowers bloomed the miners moved to the sunflowers instead of the Durban Poisons ; they have a preference apparently. Also I'll use mulch to prevent water evaporating, either straw or coconut chip mulch from costco, not the fake colored red/black chips. Start prepping and cleaning the grow site in March when there's a nice day, if you're planning to do this for multiple years, buy the seeds you need for this season now, and buy more on 4/20 deals for the following year(s). Good luck everyone
If you want my .02 you can feed much cheaper and friendlier than ff trio outdoors, be prepared on your ipm because imo the companion plantings help but probably won’t eliminate problems
If you want my .02 you can feed much cheaper and friendlier than ff trio outdoors, be prepared on your ipm because imo the companion plantings help but probably won’t eliminate problems
Thank you, new information is always welcome as this is only my second grow. I've read about mega crop as a cheaper alternative to FF, what would you recommend for outdoors? For ipm, I got lucky last year, spiders/lady bugs took care of everything

ShotoMain Be careful with anything miracle grow. It burns real easy..
Thanks for the warning, I was able to successfully use miracle grow for 6 weeks during veg last year and to my surprise the Durban Poison's loved it with cal mag, in fact it seemed like they wanted more. From my understanding, Nitrogen burning them is more of a risk during flowering, which is why I want to use FF during flowering. Thru my personal anecdotal advice of a whopping 1 grow, full strength Miracle Grow during veg. on an easy to grow strain works
People rave about jack’s and for good reason. I heard not verified that if your nutes are a blue powder it’s the same stuff different packaging. Op: I prefer organic outdoors but if you use mg go for it or maybe check out jacks my point was you can buy a lot for the price of those bottles
Also unless your going for monster size plants I’d wait till end of April beginning of May to start I’m in north central mass and our season start traditionally on Memorial Day. Mine go out jun1 your probably not too much diff in ny obviously that’s for warm weather stuff no protection
People rave about jack’s and for good reason. I heard not verified that if your nutes are a blue powder it’s the same stuff different packaging. Op: I prefer organic outdoors but if you use mg go for it or maybe check out jacks my point was you can buy a lot for the price of those bottles
The MG I used was the blue powder one and my plants took it very well, including my tomatoes/sunflowers/watermelon/peppers. Costco sold a huge box of it for 20$ Since I'm only planting 2 seeds, I'm gunning for 6 footers
My plants also had lots of miners on them for the past month, and a few leaves were chewed up. This last week when the pre flowers showed up, so did big spiders and 99% of the miners are now gone. Nature will take care of it
Have you ever tried Nemotoe's I grow outdoors Works Great here They .Kills all bug Triple Threat.
Have you ever tried Nemotoe's I grow outdoors Works Great here They .Kills all bug Triple Threat.
No, I have not tried Nematoades. After the sun flowers bloomed, the leafminers shifted over to them. I believe they prefer the softer and easier to eat leaves of the sun flowers. Funny enough, those same spiders showed up on the sun flowers too. I used whitney farms organic soil with bone meal, and would feed with FF/MG, kept the garden healthy for predators to do their thing
Hello NY growers. This is a warning to look out for Spotted Lantern Fly's, an invasive pest from China that landed in PA 8 years back. 3 weeks ago while at a park in Staten Island, I found the early nymphs everywhere on a bench thinking it was a spider at first, but then it flew. Thought nothing of it until yesterday when I found one on a stem in the garden; I googled black bug white spots and discovered more about this nefarious lil fucker. Because it's not native, there are no hunters for it, it eats sap from all crops, neem oil has been reported to be effective. The department of conservation put out a warning for kill on sight with these. Good luck growers, if it has reached nyc it will travel upstate this or next season