Why do Republicans suck?

They are: Willfully ignorant, Greed-driven, liars, hypocrites, petty, care more about themselves than anyone else, lack common sense, reject anything that doesn’t fit into their little day-to-day box, confused about fascism vs. freedom, they use religion as a weapon, they cry about liberty while writing laws that disenfranchise minorities and women, and try to tell people what and who they can and can’t do in the privacy of their own bedrooms, they call themselves patriots while attacking the Capitol and trying to steal your right to vote, and they call themselves brave while carrying guns everywhere and choosing to do nothing when those guns are used to mow down children.

Republicans never used to be like this, they have devolved into this putrid puddle of selfish, greed-driven, cynicism, violence, anger, and hate. You watch any movie and they are the cliche “bad guy,” in almost every film.

The only thing that seems to motivate them anymore is getting off on ruining someone else’s day/week/year/life because they’re unhappy in their own.

Elected Republicans are opportunistic assholes who prey on the anger of ignorant, xenophobic Republican red necks. They work them up into a frenzy so they’ll donate every last dollar and vote. This is all perpetuated by a parasitic relationship between the smart malicious Republican politician manipulating the ignorant and weak minded Republican Redneck who’s just happy to have someone telling them they’re smart and winking at them when they roll their 350lb carcass by on a rascal with an O2 bottle, a flag, a Big Gulp, and sign that says Trump.

Our country is literally on the brink of moral collapse from a group of people who grit their bloody teeth about being Christian and patriotic, but act nothing like either of these things.

FOX News plays their part profiting from and supporting this gross institution by stuffing garbage into the feeble minds of their viewers which lack the ability to think critically. They just become addicted to anger and the dopamine response from seeing messaging that reaffirms that, the fear/hatred they feel in their good Christian heart for anyone not like them, is okay. There’s no need to do better, try harder, or be better because God and the Political puppet masters think they’re special just they way they are… Oh and also don’t forget to buy this product, send in a campaign contribution, and tithe to your mega pastor so they can wet their beaks and buy a luxury jet.

THAT is why today’s Republican politicians suck, are dangerous, and why they are no longer fit to lead this country. They only want to exploit it for their own gain.

were you ever a fan of 'Dexter'?
It doesn't really matter in my mind. Buck was good at ferretting out which piece of shit was which. I found it to be a pointless distinction.

doesn't anyone here have a relationship with so we know if he's dead or just making money...or:shock: he doesn't want to be near us anymore:cry:
the pic had an 'X' through it so no, i was only able to quote you back and never saw meme or what it was..do you still want to tell me?
It was about no respect for Natives.
I do wonder, those two posts read as hostile. Have I pissed you off?