"stickyness" disappearing

I'm in week 8 of flowing and I noticed my buds don't feel sticky anymore. There covered with trichomes but not sticky like last week. I don't handle them much but usually wheni shake them upi notice it. I squeezed the buds today and nothing really. I noticed the plants tris are milky but no amber to them yet. I would say all the tri's are milky and no more clear.
before you harvest give them 2-3 days in complete dark even better if you can make it a week, no water, no anything just keep vent running. You'll get the stickiness back plus really nice treats you'll find out for yourself if you follow my advice :)
how do they smell? -- what is the top growth doing? only way to see a resin gland is under at least 30X 60X is better - I use a decent dissecting microscope got it on EBay for 80 really makes seeing issues some much easier -- case in point -- if the other poster is wrong and the reason that your buds are no longer sticky is because you have some mildew or mold somewhere just starting and then you do something like turn off the lights/ that automatically raises the humidity/ and mold/mildew loves dark moist places and this shit by the time your human eye can see the "whiteness" of the mold/mildew/fungus it is basically almost too late - mold/mildew'fungus is enemy #1 for cannabis especially common in flowering stage due to the lengthened time in darkness -- make sense -- across the board that is a biggie - a good dissecting microscope (if your into this totally) is invaluable. I no longer have to guess at anything I can see the first MYCELIUM of a fungus way before it affects my plants I can see individual resin glands with clarity and any kind of bug is easily IDed ( well at least for an entomologist like myself it's do able as most pests are similar that like cannabis) good luck but don't believe anything I say or anybody says :LISTEN TO YOUR PLANTS!
They are ready to harvest, the loss of stickiness is likely due to degeneration of the trichomes. Keep her dark a day or 2 and then start clipping.
I agree with two day of dark, not a week. After two days it's pointless to keep it in the dark. Too stoned to post link aaaagahgggh....

Yea a week is probably to much. I brought it up because there's a technique of harvesting called choking, where of course "dry" or "choke" the plant to death within a week of darkness. I've read that dried buds taste like if they'd been a month cured with scaled potency as well. There's a thread in this forum covering all the principles thus I haven't tried it yet, I'm really looking forward to it when the opportunity presents.
OK so no watering and two days of darkness. Does this apply for hydro as well? I'm using a low pressure aeroponic setup. I really appreciate the feedback. Also, what about the lower buds that aren't as ready as the top buds? How shouldi manipulate that situation with the problem I'm having?
OK so no watering and two days of darkness. Does this apply for hydro as well? I'm using a low pressure aeroponic setup. I really appreciate the feedback. Also, what about the lower buds that aren't as ready as the top buds? How shouldi manipulate that situation with the problem I'm having?

The two day dark period for sure still do that. Cannabis produces the thc (crystals) in order to protect the buds from harsh UVB rays. The plant produces these thrichombes in the morning twilight before the sun comes up. Leaving it in the dark will trick the plant into thinking its that twilight period for a longer period, thus producing more thrichombes the whole time. Its nothing crazy, maybe two to three percent thrichombes production increase.

I don't know about not watering in an airoponic set up, as I use soiless.

Fuck those lower buds they are larfy as hell. Use it to make hash!
Inexperienced grower here, I'm having a similar issue, northern lights has lost some of its stickiness and smell. Any thoughts?


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before you harvest give them 2-3 days in complete dark even better if you can make it a week, no water, no anything just keep vent running. You'll get the stickiness back plus really nice treats you'll find out for yourself if you follow my advice :)
My plant was outside! I couldn't leave it in darkness, I chopped it and hung it in my garage, trying to keep airflow, and put a humidifier (gonna get a better one next time) to slow down the drying process, I still left in dark for 2 days but not sticky at all!
My plant was outside! I couldn't leave it in darkness, I chopped it and hung it in my garage, trying to keep airflow, and put a humidifier (gonna get a better one next time) to slow down the drying process, I still left in dark for 2 days but not sticky at all!

The 2-3 days in darkness is nonsense. It's just something floating around cannabis growers but most laugh at it because it's ridiculous.