I have done this a bunch when I was really getting into Astral projection. It's pretty wild. There are a lot of books that can teach you how to do it.
No shit, it's real, I lived it, till I was around 7 years old it was a miracle each day that I was still alive (even was a miracle that I born lol, thx mom to not listen doctors and keep with the pregnancy), it was early 70s, and doctors hasn't a clue why I can't breath, I just was 24/7 choking and fighting for some air inside me, I tell you that because my rare dreams and astral projections??? IMO has something to do with my lung/breathing problems. I was a kid and it really scare me to the bone (I told back then to a loved aunt and she still look weird at me xD), it was daily and I can't control it, I remember how I was floating in the room (I was almost always in the hospital) and just "glued to the ceiling", I looked down and I see my self in the bed, even there was a cool bread/cake shop at the other side of the street and I could see it trough the window, so its just told me that this shit wasn't a dream (I could move my body but can't control where I going floating), so I just gets even more scared. Around 10 or 12 years old, doctors manage to find a solution and I finally breath normal, and it end, I never "suffer" this journey or astral whatever.
When I was around 20 years old I met a girl who said she do astral journeys, she has some books and know a lot about it (I guess), so I tried some method, but it never worked for me, I wish I could do it again, would be nice to visit places without the fear of get infected by the damn virus