ericoid mycorrhizal

Looks like the answer is a definite "Maybe".

I use promix soil (not bx or hp, which are soilless media), which has glomus intraradices mixed in. That is the species which has the strongest evidence for use in cannabis cultivation. The bx and hp have myco spores as well, I just don't use them.
Can Ericoid Mycorrhizal Be Used for Cannabis?

Wicky0808, have you tested this out already?

Ericoid Mycorrhizal fungi associates with Ericaceous plants only such as blueberries.

@hotrodharley you are correct, the Ericoid is a type of fungus that loves acidic soil.
Cannabis is not in this family. Cannabis requires arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.

You are more than welcome to try out DYNOMYCO Mycorrhizal fungi made formulated and tested specifically for cannabis use with over 33 years of cannabis R&D.

Feel free to reach out if you have further questions, we would love to help!
Happy growing everybody.
Dynomyco is ok for the price but if you want spectacular results go with the pro mix mycorrhizal. I've used both. He'll I even use the grotek one too. (Which is also good) but hands down the promix blows them all away.
Check viable spores vs propagules. Pmix isn't even in the same realm. It costs more, but you can use less and still outperforms other brands.
Cool, I agree it's a good product.
If you wanted to apply the same amount of propagules per plant (what counts) you could increase our application by 6 and still pay half the cost.

Furthermore, a whole inoculum has a higher infection potential compared to only spores. An inoculant that only contains spores is created in a sterile petri dish, “in-vitro”. Those spores are like “the boy in the bubble” they’ve never experienced biotic or abiotic stressors, and so will take longer to spring to action compared to a whole inoculum. The way DYNOMYCO is produced is “in-Vivo”, and is grown on living plants and so have already experienced temperature fluctuation, fertigation, etc. This allows the propagules to spring to life much faster.
Cool, I agree it's a good product.
If you wanted to apply the same amount of propagules per plant (what counts) you could increase our application by 6 and still pay half the cost.

Furthermore, a whole inoculum has a higher infection potential compared to only spores. An inoculant that only contains spores is created in a sterile petri dish, “in-vitro”. Those spores are like “the boy in the bubble” they’ve never experienced biotic or abiotic stressors, and so will take longer to spring to action compared to a whole inoculum. The way DYNOMYCO is produced is “in-Vivo”, and is grown on living plants and so have already experienced temperature fluctuation, fertigation, etc. This allows the propagules to spring to life much faster.
I haven't heard of your product before. A quick search on Amazon for pictures shows the product in a granular form rather than a powder. Is this correct and if so do you have a product in powder form?
I haven't heard of your product before. A quick search on Amazon for pictures shows the product in a granular form rather than a powder. Is this correct and if so do you have a product in powder form?

@twentyeight.threefive You are correct, at the moment DYNOMYCO comes in a granular form. What kind of grow medium do you use?

Where can I get a sample?

We can ship samples to the nearest hydroshop and add something special for you ;) I'll PM you.
Cool, I agree it's a good product.
If you wanted to apply the same amount of propagules per plant (what counts) you could increase our application by 6 and still pay half the cost.

Furthermore, a whole inoculum has a higher infection potential compared to only spores. An inoculant that only contains spores is created in a sterile petri dish, “in-vitro”. Those spores are like “the boy in the bubble” they’ve never experienced biotic or abiotic stressors, and so will take longer to spring to action compared to a whole inoculum. The way DYNOMYCO is produced is “in-Vivo”, and is grown on living plants and so have already experienced temperature fluctuation, fertigation, etc. This allows the propagules to spring to life much faster.
Well I duno about that. I found the connect to work much faster, and help grow better roots. Again I get your job is to plug your product that's cool. It's an alright product but there is better out there. If you want results you have to apply 6x the amount listed on the pkg? I dunno seems weird to me. Use 6x dyno or 1/2 connect... What's the diff. Why 'water' down your product with filler why not just make it more concentrated or use viable spores vs propagules?
That whole deal turned me off of dynomyco. Especially when there's so much other competition out there that generally is better anyways.
I didn't want to be rude in your giveaways thread as that's poor etiquette. But general forum is free game :)
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Well I duno about that. I found the connect to work much faster, and help grow better roots. Again I get your job is to plug your product that's cool. It's an alright product but there is better out there. If you want results you have to apply 6x the amount listed on the pkg? I dunno seems weird to me. Use 6x dyno or 1/2 connect... What's the diff. Why 'water' down your product with filler why not just make it more concentrated or use viable spores vs propagules?
That whole deal turned me off of dynomyco. Especially when there's so much other competition out there that generally is better anyways.
I didn't want to be rude in your giveaways thread as that's poor etiquette. But general forum is free game :)

You misunderstood here brother. Look at the application rates of Connect compared to DYNOMYCO. We're at a lower application rate! If you dilute Promix down you're still paying more per plant, a lot more. If you wanted to get as many propagules per plant with DYNOMYCO as you would with Connect you could increase the application rate by 6 and still be at a lower price point with DYNOMYCO than connect.

Now as for the competition, we had rules to enter which weren't met and so couldn't run it. We do want to run it again and you can apply once it's up :)
No it's not. If someone reports you for being bad/rude you get a warning.
It's bad etiquette to say anything against the point or argue with an advertiser on their own giveaway thread. Rules or not. That's my rule. I wouldnt do that. But in the general forum I can speak my mind. It's my opinion I'm not being an ass or talking smack. I'm reporting my personal findings and informing others of it. Dont see a prob with that.
You misunderstood here brother. Look at the application rates of Connect compared to DYNOMYCO. We're at a lower application rate! If you dilute Promix down you're still paying more per plant, a lot more. If you wanted to get as many propagules per plant with DYNOMYCO as you would with Connect you could increase the application rate by 6 and still be at a lower price point with DYNOMYCO than connect.

Now as for the competition, we had rules to enter which weren't met and so couldn't run it. We do want to run it again and you can apply once it's up :)
Well that's what you say, but then you said you couldn't ship it. Meh either way I'm not arguing with you about it. Just seemed shady to me and I'm a in the sun kind of guy. No shade.
It's bad etiquette to say anything against the point or argue with an advertiser on their own giveaway thread. Rules or not. That's my rule. I wouldnt do that. But in the general forum I can speak my mind. It's my opinion I'm not being an ass or talking smack. I'm reporting my personal findings and informing others of it. Dont see a prob with that.
One would think it's ok in the general forums but it's not. If you post something I don't like I'm going to report you. I'm giving you a timeout. Lol.
Well that's what you say, but then you said you couldn't ship it. Meh either way I'm not arguing with you about it. Just seemed shady to me and I'm a in the sun kind of guy. No shade.
Believe us, we were more bummed that we couldn't get the competition up and running than you. We do want to give it another shot though! We like to be as transparent and open about our products as possible. That is why we wanted to run this side-by-side properly and get entrants that can do it accordingly. Unfortunately that wasn't met last time on this forum. We will certainly try again and would love for you and every other eligible member that applies and can follow the rules to participate :)