Are you living with mental illness?

MediTation is my only mediCation which enables inner mediation.
I hope you realize how lucky you are.......that's fantastic , so many are not as fortunate. Have you ever " deep dived " while listening to Solfeggio Frequencies or
" binaural beats "...........just something I found interesting .
I hope you realize how lucky you are.......that's fantastic , so many are not as fortunate. Have you ever " deep dived " while listening to Solfeggio Frequencies or
" binaural beats "...........just something I found interesting .
Thank you. I do realize how fortunate I am and I try to maintain an attitude of gratitude at all times. That alone is a great help. I don't care for any of the binaural beats that I've heard but I do listen to certain Solfeggio frequency music (and certain A=444Hz music) all the time (just because it feels/sounds right to me) but I don't use either to do any deep diving. My mind can do enough deep diving as it is. Meditation helps because it enables me to maintain a balance where I can acknowledge the various spiritual rabbit holes without getting emotionally pulled down into them any further than I've already gone. I don't have (nor do I seek to have) out of body experiences, astral projections etc. Some people seem to strive to get to a place where they can do that stuff but that's not for me. I had what I can only refer to as a kundalini awakening that I wasn't quite ready for and that was enough to keep me from striving for those kind of intentional deep dives.
So much pain flying around this sorry. I think things will lighten up . I think you will be seeing her sooner than you think. Until then perhaps you can help her in other ways. I've always felt that if you have your health , you've got it made.....without it , nothing. You gotta keep it together and crack on or you will be no help to her or anyone. I wish you the best !

thx for your kind words
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Thank you. I do realize how fortunate I am and I try to maintain an attitude of gratitude at all times. That alone is a great help. I don't care for any of the binaural beats that I've heard but I do listen to certain Solfeggio frequency music (and certain A=444Hz music) all the time (just because it feels/sounds right to me) but I don't use either to do any deep diving. My mind can do enough deep diving as it is. Meditation helps because it enables me to maintain a balance where I can acknowledge the various spiritual rabbit holes without getting emotionally pulled down into them any further than I've already gone. I don't have (nor do I seek to have) out of body experiences, astral projections etc. Some people seem to strive to get to a place where they can do that stuff but that's not for me. I had what I can only refer to as a kundalini awakening that I wasn't quite ready for and that was enough to keep me from striving for those kind of intentional deep dives.

I'm a deep roller too , " props" not needed. I
thx for your kind words

You are so very welcome.......please , power through this mess...there are always hardships and misfortune just waiting. I've tried to instill a firm foundation in my kids so when those dark winds blow their way , they don't sway. Our tribes' motto is
" Move, adapt, and keep sense of humor "..........take care.
We share motto, adapt is the hard part for me, but still looking back I see sooo much adaptations, so not bad at all, thx I apreciate your words, you made my day a lot nicer :hug:


Probably ripped and breezed through your reply . It makes me feel really good knowing that my words improved the day, it's a f'ing slippery slope with plenty of curve balls out there . I'm sure your perspective and priorities in life , like mine have changed considerably as time passes and we adapt. I love the words of the Dalai Llama's ( a.k.a Kun-Dun ) mentor when China decides to occupy Nepal. " Things change Kun-Dun " ( used that a lot on my kids as they grew up) .We say that everything in life is a mandala. I better put this bong down...can't shut my trap.
Probably ripped and breezed through your reply . It makes me feel really good knowing that my words improved the day, it's a f'ing slippery slope with plenty of curve balls out there . I'm sure your perspective and priorities in life , like mine have changed considerably as time passes and we adapt. I love the words of the Dalai Llama's ( a.k.a Kun-Dun ) mentor when China decides to occupy Nepal. " Things change Kun-Dun " ( used that a lot on my kids as they grew up) .We say that everything in life is a mandala. I better put this bong down...can't shut my trap.
We are all pulling for you ,odropps
Depression, ptsd, bipolar(I disagree with that diagnosis) psychiatry is mostly a crapshoot. Basically a pseudoscience.
Let’s Talk!
first of all my name is Sierra Sutherland, I’m 30 from California. I was born with a physical disability (Larsens Syndrome), which affects bones and joints. I use a wheelchair for long distances and more so over the years daily and hard of hearing. I have had over 20 surgeries growing up with more ahead including scoliosis and a c-section. In 2013, I gave birth to my son which was a surprise for my disability to be able togo as far as we did, but in 2014 my world crashed and ended up losing my son throughout the night of nov 4.
flash forward to 2021, I am now suffering with mental illness suicidal, depression, bipolar, anxiety and grief. I have questioned my parents why they chose to have me when they did, I don’t see why anyone wants me around being so upset with life. I feel like the biggest failure of a mom, friend, sister and daughter. I have messed up a couple of relationships due to my mental health, I push away the ones who try to love me. I am a very independent person, having another person makes it even harder to be happy, but I don’t want to be alone.
Anyways feel free to join in, ill update like a blog :)
-Sierra ❤️

I'm so very,very sorry for the pain and suffering . Life takes it's toll on so many.
I know one thing , you are one tough woman ! Your will power must be incredible, I know too that's what it takes to survive an ordeal. With such strong character and tough as nails, somebody is gonna snatch you up ! You'll never be alone !
Music may be the only proof of a “higher power”.
That’s paraphrasing Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
I’m able-bodied but hurt in my soul, most of the time, because I recognize the imbalance of the human condition. But, philosophy and theology help, even if it’s just made up by those it’s touched. After all- how could we be where we are without knowing there is something we aren’t? Blah blah. Yeah, I’ve thought about ending the parade sooner than expected, too.
You and I and everyone exist to fulfill the possibility of every thing possible happening. No more, no less than infinity. And nothing
Let’s Talk!
first of all my name is Sierra Sutherland, I’m 30 from California. I was born with a physical disability (Larsens Syndrome), which affects bones and joints. I use a wheelchair for long distances and more so over the years daily and hard of hearing. I have had over 20 surgeries growing up with more ahead including scoliosis and a c-section. In 2013, I gave birth to my son which was a surprise for my disability to be able togo as far as we did, but in 2014 my world crashed and ended up losing my son throughout the night of nov 4.
flash forward to 2021, I am now suffering with mental illness suicidal, depression, bipolar, anxiety and grief. I have questioned my parents why they chose to have me when they did, I don’t see why anyone wants me around being so upset with life. I feel like the biggest failure of a mom, friend, sister and daughter. I have messed up a couple of relationships due to my mental health, I push away the ones who try to love me. I am a very independent person, having another person makes it even harder to be happy, but I don’t want to be alone.
Anyways feel free to join in, ill update like a blog :)
-Sierra ❤
Love creates. Depression walls.
Love creates. Depression walls.

I think you are absolutely right , yet I understand " loving " can be a very tall under when in constant pain and the suffering.Depression is bad enough without the pain.
I think it boils down to sheer will power to confront ordeal.

Yep it is like a shark always under the surface, ready to take bites.

Some people think depression means sadness. It is much worse, it is the total absence of joy and hope.