Donald Trump Private Citizen

Trump: Politicians 'Gutless' for Lack of Candor on Boosters
Former President Donald Trump delivered the COVID-19 vaccines — and was booed for telling his supporters he was double vaccinated and boosted — but he says lawmakers' lack of candor of getting the booster is "gutless."

"I've had the booster," Trump told OAN in an interview recorded Monday. "I watched a couple of politicians be interviewed and one of the questions was, 'did you get the booster?' because they've had the vaccine.

Trump mocked them for hemming and hawing.

"In other words, the answer is yes, but they don't want to say it, because they're gutless. You've got to say it. Whether you've had it or not, say it."

Trump said the vaccines "have saved 10s of millions of people throughout the world" and provided anecdotal evidence that the booster is safe.

"I have had absolutely no side effects," Trump continued. "I've had it like other people have had it — nothing special."

Trump's Operation Warp Speed was developed in mere months, designed to get a vaccination to the world to help save lives in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic that punctuated the last year of his presidency's first term.

The former president considers the operation a success, as healthy, vaccinated people are not having serious complications if they contract COVID-19.

"If they get it, they're not going to hospitals, for the most part, and dying," Trump said. "Before it was a horror, and now they're not [dying]."

Trump did not mention which politicians lacked candor on the booster, but The Washington Post did a report earlier this month headlined: "Some GOP leaders are scornful or silent about booster shots seen as key to fighting omicron."

The story quotes Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis telling Fox News, "so, I've done whatever I did, the normal shot." DeSantis is considered a potential top GOP 2024 presidential candidate.

But Florida has been strong on it, according to that same report.

The Post story did not mention Democrats' position on booster shots, but Christina Pushaw, the press secretary for DeSantis, told the news outlet that the state's booster rate among the vaccinated — 31% — "is higher than the District of Columbia's rate of 26.5% and close to New York's rate of 32%."

In Texas, GOP Gov. Greg Abbott has been silent on the booster, according to The Texas Tribune

A spokesperson for Abbott did not respond when asked whether the governor has received a booster. As of Monday, 14.4% of Texans had gotten boosters.
What point are you trying to make posting articles and quotations from Newsmax?
What point are you trying to make posting articles and quotations from Newsmax?
Funny how Trump has turned all vax supporter when for a year after he got his first shot you would not here a peep that he did. Also the Republican politicians will not say they got the vaccine but most actually have. Very few comments from people over on Newsmax on the article, they had it on their first page, a short time later it is buried in the Political section. Very few comments,

The stuff injected into the ruling class and globalists is not the same that regular people get. Avoid the depop shot.

I am a major Trump fan, but he needs to give up the pride of ownership on these pseudo-vaccines, and admit that big-pharma, the Biden regime, big medicine, and the MSM hijacked and derailed what he intended to their own purposes.

This path will be the end of his political career.
I supported and voted for him twice but his stance on this puts me in the position of only if I have no other choice will I vote trump.
When the cat gets out the bag on this the left will pile all responsibility on trump and he is too stupid to see what is coming…
He pushed, warp speed, “delivered”,
karmello says “I’m not taking it” because trump says so, now look where we are.
Blood shortage, vax does, has, will kill people. What will we do about blood supply when truth comes out and majority of world is vaxxed.
Just some thought provoking info.

John F
Mr. Trump, maybe YOU have had no side effects from the shots (so far), but what do you say about the many thousands in the US alone who have? Oh well? And people who have had the shots are also getting sick AND dying from the virus!

more shots=less immune system. time for some common sense POTUS...ask some "real" docs about boosters
It is always useful to know thy enemy and what their pawns are dining out on.
Yes, I go to Foxnews most days to get an idea of what right-leaning news is reporting. It’s almost like reading about an entirely different country most days. Comments section on almost all articles there is the exclusive domain of trolls.
Newsmax is a bridge too far for me personally.
Yes, I go to Foxnews most days to get an idea of what right-leaning news is reporting. It’s almost like reading about an entirely different country most days. Comments section on almost all articles there is the exclusive domain of trolls.
Newsmax is a bridge too far for me personally.
I just have to look at times when the regular news is slow. Shows how out to lunch some people are. Even when Newsmax does print something factual and true the readership start throwing barbs at them for printing it. I have listened to their broadcast for a brief period but after 5 minutes have found them to be even more way out there than their print. It is amazing people can be brainwashed enough to watch it.
Stinky was served via substitute serve upon the doorman at Trump Tower as well as via the Secret Service at Mar-a-Lago.

Civil case
Donald is going to have a very bad year, the democrats will use his ass and 1/6 to win the election in November, as Donald freaks out going down and rips the republicans apart on the eve of the election. The walls are closing in, in Georgia and NY and the feds will fuck him for sure. I hope he runs to Russia, then fighting breaks out between NATO and Russia in the Ukraine before the election, support for Joe goes way up with war. Anything can happen between now and the election, life is already stranger than fiction.
Yes, I go to Foxnews most days to get an idea of what right-leaning news is reporting. It’s almost like reading about an entirely different country most days. Comments section on almost all articles there is the exclusive domain of trolls.
Newsmax is a bridge too far for me personally.

I even peruse "The Gateway Pundit" just for laughs :lol:
Apparently Vlad has pretty soft support in Russia over the Ukraine and the fall out, he is in a weak position with trouble brewing in Kazakhstan and the stans in general, not to mention popular unrest in Belorussia. Russia has an economy smaller than Italy's and most Nato members have larger economies. The average Russian makes $400 a month, covid is running wild there and their vaccines don't work worth shit against it. Much of Russia's armed forces could be crippled with covid soon.
This expert on public health has been giving good updates through out the pandemic and presents the latest research, links to data and papers in the YouTube description. There's good news from multiple sources on omicron, he shows a neat graph of omicron vs delta in the first minute or so, it looks like a computer drew it.
Jan 12, 2022
International data agrees
The above video is very good news and explains the governments changing policy on covid, it is apparently pretty mild and is the most infectious respiratory disease known and omicron is more like a natural vaccine when compared to delta, for the vaxxed at least. It looks like this is passing quickly and it would be much worse in the hospitals with delta. Previous infection by one of the 4 endemic common cold coronavirus apparently helps too. No doubt some one will start selling four packs of cold viruses to the Trumpers! Think they'd go for it? :lol:
There you go with the puppy dogs and rainbows shit again, it's not mild and it's not a respiratory virus to start with and it's looking like herd immunity is a fantasy because infection immunity fades. Less people end up on a ventilator with this variant but what about the next, there are a couple a year. I'll put money on a lot of people who got omicron will have long covid.
There you go with the puppy dogs and rainbows shit again, it's not mild and it's not a respiratory virus to start with and it's looking like herd immunity is a fantasy because infection immunity fades. Less people end up on a ventilator with this variant but what about the next, there are a couple a year. I'll put money on a lot of people who got omicron will have long covid.
He seems optimistic and reflects emerging expert consensus and government policy. Sometime Captain viruses lose virulence in favor of contagion, it's contagion that wins Darwin's race. Pandemics end naturally after two or three years even without vaccines, this is endemic now along with the four existing coronaviruses and we probably faced the same thing in the past as we adapted to the virus, but nobody noticed.

All I can say at this point is I hope they are right, cause we have little choice as the boost wanes. Watch the video, he knows his stuff. I figure there might be improved vaccines, that should help and perhaps an annual boost. If you can keep from getting covid for a few months, they will give you a course of antiviral pills to take at home, if you have comorbidities or perhaps you can buy a treatment course. Test early and treat early if ya got health or other concerns, but it might cost ya natural immunity if ya kill it too quick.
Yes I've read about virus evolution, what you are doing is just guessing. It's great to be optimistic but there's also reality, this could be the start of the ending of the pandemic, or it could go on for several years, nobody knows for sure. I haven't given up hope but I'm a realist, this virus is doing untold damage to the human body in the survivors, taking care of the survivors could alter this country for decades.
Apparently Vlad has pretty soft support in Russia over the Ukraine and the fall out, he is in a weak position with trouble brewing in Kazakhstan and the stans in general, not to mention popular unrest in Belorussia. Russia has an economy smaller than Italy's and most Nato members have larger economies. The average Russian makes $400 a month, covid is running wild there and their vaccines don't work worth shit against it. Much of Russia's armed forces could be crippled with covid soon.

Russia can't fight a sustained war with anyone with Western backing. Putin is the emperor of flaccidity
Donald is starting his super spreader events, I guess he needs to do this for several reasons. He needs political power and is looking to exploit the "political prisoner" angle. He needs control of the republican party, it's about the only thing he's got going for him and a source of easy money. Donald thinks he can use the republicans to get him out of legal trouble, but he doesn't understand how things work. He will also want to refight the 2020 election in 2022 and select loyalist house and senate candidates who generally are not the best choices for getting elected. Then there is Trump's pending legal trouble and not just his either, but many of the "operators" in the GOP are gonna be caught up in legal trouble themselves.

It will be interesting with the 1/6 panel having public hearings and Donald holding rallies, no doubt mentioning the proceedings. I wonder how many times Donald will hang himself from the platform and how many of his henchmen will be publicly thrown under the bus. This is what happens when a clown is cut off from social media, he has to take the circus on the road. Donald will draw even more attention to the 1/6 panel hearings and the base might even start watching them, nothing attracts like drama. Fear of Trump is the democrats biggest asset, it will drive their base out and with Donald's legal shit and the 1/6 insurrection, it might keep some republicans home in 2022.
Trump Ramps Up Rally Schedule

As the midterms near, former President Trump is rallying supporters in Arizona on Saturday and in Texas later this month. Meantime, Rep. John Katko announces he won’t run for reelection, joining an exodus of GOP lawmakers who voted to impeach Trump. Victoria DeFrancesco Soto and Susan Del Percio discuss.