Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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CDC says it.

Prevalence of Childhood Obesity in the United States
On This Page
Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States, putting children and adolescents at risk for poor health. Obesity prevalence among children and adolescents is still too high.

For children and adolescents aged 2-19 years in 2017-20181:

  • The prevalence of obesity was 19.3% and affected about 14.4 million children and adolescents.
  • Obesity prevalence was 13.4% among 2- to 5-year-olds, 20.3% among 6- to 11-year-olds, and 21.2% among 12- to 19-year-olds. Childhood obesity is also more common among certain populations.
  • Obesity prevalence was 25.6% among Hispanic children, 24.2% among non-Hispanic Black children, 16.1% among non-Hispanic White children, and 8.7% among non-Hispanic Asian children.
1Read CDC National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) data brief

And you 'know' that the kids with Covid are all overweight based on this huh?

It is interesting how people just assume they 'know' stuff.
You really are a dip shit. Here, Ill copy and paste the fact for you.

"Sotomayor claimed Friday during oral arguments over President Biden’s private sector vaccine mandate that the Omicron variant is so severe that “we have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition, many on ventilators.”

Official data indicate there are just 5,000 children in hospitals who have COVID-19."

5000 compared to 100000. Much bigger than your false info.
Still NY MAGA Post
Bunch of crap. Fats dont want to be thin, or they would do it. Junkies dont want to be clean, or they would do it.

I beat addiction decades ago and am 40 years old with less than 10% body fat at 200 lbs and ripped with muslce. I work hard everyday. Its not easy but can be done if you want to bad enough.
Me, me, me, fuck everybody else, that explains a lot, along with your lack of empathy. Well there are an awful lot of fat voters out there, America has a major obesity problem and it appears fast food is a big contributor. Some people have the resources to overcome addictions, but many do not and most people struggle with weight, a bum knee can put the pounds on ya by restricting exercise and work. Most people gain weight as they age because of other health issues. In any case it's not the same issue as someone believing bullshit, harming others and over loading hospitals because they are afraid of needles or the truth.
And you 'know' that the kids with Covid are all overweight based on this huh?

It is interesting how people just assume they 'know' stuff.

Accept just once in your fucking life you're wrong.
You really are a dip shit. Here, Ill copy and paste the fact for you.

"Sotomayor claimed Friday during oral arguments over President Biden’s private sector vaccine mandate that the Omicron variant is so severe that “we have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition, many on ventilators.”

Official data indicate there are just 5,000 children in hospitals who have COVID-19."

5000 compared to 100000. Much bigger than your false info.
Oh wow, you really are proving something there. She must be a liar and not just misspoke huh. Are you saying that she didn't mean the confirmed 84+k confirmed cases? Are you saying that there is not likely far more unconfirmed cases that would put that number over 100k?

And you saying that I am pushing 'false info' is funny with the Death Cult trolling you have been spewing.

Accept just once in your fucking life you're wrong.
And you are just pushing articles saying fat kids exist and that it may worsen the outcome of getting a virus.

But I see that none of those are saying that the kids in ICU's are there because they are fat. I call bullshit on you being able to say that with the confidence you pretend like you have the ability to back up with actual facts.
Document even one Fauci lie in the nonMaga press.
Look it up yourself. Claimed no gain of function, claimed NHIS was not tax payer funded, leaked emails show Fauci and other scintests pointed this visues as something that would be rare in nature and came from the lab in wuhan. The definition of GOF was changed, and Fauci covered up the origins of the virus. Any media that reports truths will have something on it. Any non-lib press has reprted it.
No. I asked if you would have unprotected sex if you knew they had STD’s
I never would knowing.
Look it up yourself. Claimed no gain of function, claimed NHIS was not tax payer funded, leaked emails show Fauci and other scintests pointed this visues as something that would be rare in nature and came from the lab in wuhan. The definition of GOF was changed, and Fauci covered up the origins of the virus. Any media that reports truths will have something on it. Any non-lib press has reprted it.
Look it up yourself. Claimed no gain of function, claimed NHIS was not tax payer funded, leaked emails show Fauci and other scintests pointed this visues as something that would be rare in nature and came from the lab in wuhan. The definition of GOF was changed, and Fauci covered up the origins of the virus. Any media that reports truths will have something on it. Any non-lib press has reprted it.
Screen Shot 2022-01-12 at 10.34.43 AM.png
If fauci would quit lying, it might make me feel better.
Who says he's lying? Have they lied themselves about other things? Like Trump winning the election? Only a handful of propaganda sources spew this bullshit and you are tuned into them, so that says a lot about your political biases too. All the legitimate INTERNATIONAL and American media, thousands of independent sources say he's a good, competent, honest and honorable man. You are swimming through a sea of honest information to get to your disinformation turd of choice then eagerly hork the floater down. Here you are among adults making a fool of yourself spewing lies you've been feed that could kill you or family members. Something is drawing you to these for profit propaganda sources and it's not covid information, it's something else.
And you are just pushing articles saying fat kids exist and that it may worsen the outcome of getting a virus.

But I see that none of those are saying that the kids in ICU's are there because they are fat. I call bullshit on you being able to say that with the confidence you pretend like you have the ability to back up with actual facts.

It's simple logic and you can't get it apparently, more obese children is usa = more children impacted by covid it's like primary school maths.
In my country children with covid remained extremely low since the beginning. Since 2020 3 kids died from covid. on MILLIONS. So stop your bullshit and accept simple facts a child would comprehend

Children diagnosed with obesity may suffer worse outcomes from COVID-19. In a study of COVID-19 cases in patients aged 18 years and younger, having obesity was associated with a 3.07 times higher risk of hospitalization and a 1.42 times higher risk of severe illness (intensive care unit admission, invasive mechanical ventilation, or death) when hospitalized.7

Me, me, me, fuck everybody else, that explains a lot, along with your lack of empathy. Well there are an awful lot of fat voters out there, America has a major obesity problem and it appears fast food is a big contributor. Some people have the resources to overcome addictions, but many do not and most people struggle with weight, a bum knee can put the pounds on ya by restricting exercise and work. Most people gain weight as they age because of other health issues. In any case it's not the same issue as someone believing bullshit, harming others and over loading hospitals because they are afraid of needles or the truth.
Glad we can agree. Ive never got help. Everything I have, my life, I have worked so hard for. Me me me. Thats who did it.

Maybe the fat voters can make McDonalds the national restaurant. Just like the vaccine, I will refuse to partake.
It's simple logic and you can't get it apparently, more obese children is usa = more children impacted by covid it's like primary school maths.
In my country children with covid remained extremely low since the beginning. Since 2020 3 kids died from covid. on MILLIONS. So stop your bullshit and accept simple facts a child would comprehend
Simple is exactly what anyone questioning Dr Fauci’s motives is
Like Rant Paul
It is hilarious watching right wing Senators trying to appeal to those simple folks and lying just for votes
Bunch of crap. Fats dont want to be thin, or they would do it. Junkies dont want to be clean, or they would do it.

I beat addiction decades ago and am 40 years old with less than 10% body fat at 200 lbs and ripped with muslce. I work hard everyday. Its not easy but can be done if you want to bad enough.
This is the horseshit morality typical of the hard religious right.
“There is no addiction, just moral turpitude.”

You betray yourself with the last two words, “bad[ly] enough”.
This is the horseshit morality typical of the hard religious right.
“There is no addiction, just moral turpitude.”

You betray yourself with the last two words, “bad[ly] enough”.
Wrong again, I have no religion. I study and practice the laws of attraction. Bob Proctor taught me a lot.