Plant looks diseased


Hi all. I have a Wedding Cake plant thats struggling.
To my untrained eye it looks like a Calcium deficiency. Its about 10 weeks old.
I changed the water the other day, I got a 3.1 EC reading. Next day it was at 3.5. Water level appears the same, im assuming the plants on lockdown, not taking any nutes. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(I snipped a bunch of leaves off the plant, so the pics don't look as bad.20220111_221959.jpg20220102_001308.jpg20220102_001238.jpg
Why are you feeding over 3 EC? I ran dwc and rdwc for a couple years and I don't think I was ever over 2 EC and that was with large plants in full flower.
yeah youre frying that thing. overfeeding which is causing various lockouts
make up a new res around 2 ec and see what she thinks about it. generally more light=higher ec tolerance, but youre clearly past that on this plant
You're frying your plants with too high of EC.

It’s all the rage on YouTube :wall:

Youtube sucks for cannabis growing information. Now there's a whole new crop of growers that think that canuck hack's crispy fried plants look good and they speak of him with admiration when they should be shaking their heads in disgust.

from what I've seen of most of these YouTube growers plants I'm not sure why anyone would look to them for guidance. it's basically shitty, fried plants and commercials for garbage lights and snake oil nutrients.

Makes absolutely no sense. Many toss in some meaningless comment about video editing skills. How in the hell do video editing skills have anything to do with growing a cannabis plant. And from what I've seen most are just crappy drag and drop videos and nothing that requires any skill.
Hehe, yeah. Its 10 weeks, only about 13 inches tall.
My guess is a potassium or calcium deficiency, I dont know...