That is kind but incorrect. My battle with the three unenlightened states is just beginning.
Thank you though for checkmarking my public face.
On another topic, meditation is something I’ve never successfully done. Is there a procedure-based “meditation for engineers” method to which you can link? I do very poorly with the subjective, and it has been suggested that I’m on the mild end of the autism spectrum. So I’m looking for something with written procedure and a way to self-test that I cannot subconsciously subvert.
You most likely are on the autism spectrum many engineers and scientists are, but it's a way of being and not a pathological state. Most people with autism have trouble processing emotions and mindfulness meditation can grow those parts of the brain that process our emotions over a surprisingly short period of time. The two basic forms are concentration and insight, concertation practices lead to altered mental states and dropping attachments and insight or mindfulness can help us to work out our bugs. I think you would do well with concentration and should focus more on insight, both are the same except with insight, there we allow phenomena to arise and observe it.
Meditation is exercise and it works the same way and it takes about as long to get into shape 8 weeks. If you follow a program like below, you will experience profound changes in your perspective of reality and a deep sense of emotional stability among a host of other things. You will definitely be happy and more at peace for sure, MBCT is the premier treatment for depression these days, drugs are a stop gap, for most mindfulness is the cure.
I'm a science guy and everything I said is backed up by science, my experience and that of millions of others, along with fMRI data. Here is the modern way to learn about mindfulness meditation and begin a practice, it's evidence based. To go further check out secular Buddhism, it attracts many educated people with a scientific outlook, it's a system of mental training, not really a religion for those in the west.
If this is a bit much, then just do the breath meditation and perhaps a body scan in bed before sleep. like exercise regularity is important.
Try it, it's quite the ride, almost like drugs!
This online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course is 100% free, created by a fully certified MBSR instructor, and based on Jon Kabat-Zinn’s MBSR.