Lol. Most American White Males are racist? I'm almost not sure if you're trolling or...plain stupid.....For sanity... I'll assume thats your opinion....Because I know you cant produce reputable data supporting that statement, and furthermore who is left to be the arbiter of what actually defines a person to be 'racist'??? (Given The word racist is thrown around like a 2 dollar whore these days and is now used to describe a hundred things other than its original deffinition was clearly meant to be......) And concerning who gets to be the arbiter of what qualifies someone to be 'racist'........One person would come to an obsurd conclusion like you just made, generalizing million of people based on the color of their skin and gender, ( definition is a racist statement and know that right? Thats why I couldnt understand if you were trolling or not, you literally called a massive part of thean entire country Racist based on skin color and gender.. .........anyways, moving on........) And another would come to a much more educated figure that would definately not be anywhere near "Most White men"...So which of them holds the factual truth, you ask? Fucking neither. What a stupid statement... And it should be pointed and laughed at regardless of what side of the isle you reside currently....I think you need to really check out of your echo chamber...l...I mean for fucks sakes..... Saying MOST CHINESE Men are racist is a fucking stretch but definitely a statement much easiersaid than most White men in the US Given China currently operates over 260 concentration camps for Muslims/brown people as we speak...Does that mean that MOST Chinese Men are racist.....? Problably not as 99% of the Men in China did not make the decision to open said camps...or operate them....I mean Truly I hope you're trolling here today with your statement...But I fear, you actually believe this.. and I'm sorry that statement and anyone that supports it... is not only laughably untrue....its dangerous. Yikes dude.