Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
It's actually sad to see someone only 46 years old dying from covid. But she's been at rallies ranting against vaccines and common sense Covid measures since the beginning. Even as those that are anti-vaccine and anti-mask watch their anti-covid measure heroes die from Covid they still refuse to take it seriously.
we're all adults here and you live (and die) by your choices.

another flat earther is dead by her own hand- i don't feel one bit of pity.

we know their goal is to suppress because their ideas are so unpopular they can't win.

one less cunt to try to take away my freedom to vote and have counted.

fvck her!:finger:


Well-Known Member
Well I don't wish death on anyone but I have no problem with dropping people like that into the middle of Syria with "I am American" tattooed on their forehead. They'd have a chance to survive but it would be tough.
i do when i'm crossed and it happens.


Well-Known Member
When the light comes on the cockroaches scramble.

Trump turns on Hannity over Capitol-riot texts advising him to stop claiming the election was stolen
Trump turned on Fox News host Sean Hannity over his texts to Trump aides before the Capitol riot.

Hannity texted a White House aide saying Trump should stop talking about the election being rigged.

Trump said: "I disagree with Sean on that statement and the facts are proving me right."

Donald Trump hit out at Fox News Sean Hannity on Wednesday for suggesting days after the Capitol riot that the former president should stop claiming the election was rigged.

The House select committee investigating the Capitol riot on Tuesday released the texts sent by Hannity — a prominent supporter of Trump — to his former aides including Mark Meadows, the former White House chief of staff.

They were part of a letter to Hannity requesting that he cooperate with the committee's investigation.

The letter quoted a text sent by Hannity to Meadows and Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan four days after the Capitol riot which said: "[Trump] can't mention the election again. Ever. I did not have a good call with him today. And worse, I'm not sure what is left to do or say, and I don't like not knowing if it's truly understood. Ideas?"


Well-Known Member
'Craven Cruz' Gets Owned On Live TV After MAGA Backlash On Riot

After MAGA Senator Ted Cruz referred to the January 6th insurrection as a “violent terrorist attack on the Capitol,” he immediately drew backlash from the proponents of the “big lie.” Cruz ultimately folded and rushed to recant his statement in an odd interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, whose show is known to spread misinformation about the January 6th riot.


Well-Known Member
If he runs, it will be from a NY prison cell, but this is useful for driving up democratic turn out I suppose. The democrats need to tie Trump around the republicans necks until election day and it would be more useful to them if he were running around loose sowing chaos among the republicans, tying them in knots and limiting their freedom of action. Donald will want to refight 2020 in 2022, if the democrats manipulate him into it. He will be in the midst of his henchmen going down and testifying before the 1/6 committee, while trying to spread the dead, big lie without a social media platform. He will need the GOP candidates to do it for him, in the face of overwhelming evidence being presented under oath everyday. He will also continue to steal their small donor election money for as long as he can too and that will hurt house candidates. The only thing the republicans have going for them is the bigotry of a majority of the white population and a willingness to believe absurdities. Anybody who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities and 1/6 is an example of this, but history provides worse examples..


Well-Known Member
They took down the troll thread before I could respond!
When I saw them breeching the capitol I was all for shooting the bastards, but it turned out for the best. Shooting might have had Trump invoke the insurrection act and they were trying to avoid that at all costs. I admit I do have a low tolerance for bullshit, more so, since I've seen the damage it did to America. We elect leaders to lead when required and sometime that might mean shooting assholes who want to destroy a constitution we swore an oath to defend and uphold. You don't act on your feelings when you have power foggy, everything and consequences must be thought out and advisors consulted. It's a bit different editorializing about it from a distance!

Take the tact Joe and the democrats seem to be perusing of trying to turn the middle against the extremists and acting like Gandhi in public. I can assure you Joe is not Gandhi in private and they are playing the smartest long game they can. In retrospect the insurrection was a Godsend and without covid you would probably still have Trump, everything has it's price I suppose.


Well-Known Member
They took down the troll thread before I could respond!
When I saw them breeching the capitol I was all for shooting the bastards, but it turned out for the best. Shooting might have had Trump invoke the insurrection act and they were trying to avoid that at all costs. I admit I do have a low tolerance for bullshit, more so, since I've seen the damage it did to America. We elect leaders to lead when required and sometime that might mean shooting assholes who want to destroy a constitution we swore an oath to defend and uphold. You don't act on your feelings when you have power foggy, everything and consequences must be thought out and advisors consulted. It's a bit different editorializing about it from a distance!

Take the tact Joe and the democrats seem to be perusing of trying to turn the middle against the extremists and acting like Gandhi in public. I can assure you Joe is not Gandhi in private and they are playing the smartest long game they can. In retrospect the insurrection was a Godsend and without covid you would probably still have Trump, everything has it's price I suppose.
dude, you didn't actually advocate for shooting people it was just rhetoric. It stood my hair on end but I don't think you were serious.

Sending high tech military jets to small military dictatorships that are suppressing their people and working with cartels for personal enrichment is not what I was thinking about when I said that improving people's lives in those countries is the answer.


Well-Known Member
dude, you didn't actually advocate for shooting people it was just rhetoric. It stood my hair on end but I don't think you were serious.

Sending high tech military jets to small military dictatorships that are suppressing their people and working with cartels for personal enrichment is not what I was thinking about when I said that improving people's lives in those countries is the answer.
I'm old fashioned when it comes to a mob of lunatics trying to invade the capitol and kill elected representatives. We better understand the restraint of the military now and perhaps even the capitol police, to prevent Trump from invoking the insurrection act. He expected counter protesters and none showed up, that and shooting would have provided the pretext to invoke it and clean out the capitol for "security" reasons, thus delaying the certification. The morons who invaded the capitol had no plan and no path to victory, unless the insurrection act was declared and then many of them might have become victims.

I said for the cost of these planes and that is in the billions each, it wouldn't take much money to improve things dramatically there.
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Well-Known Member
I'm old fashioned when it comes to a mob of lunatics trying to invade the capitol and kill elected representatives. We better understand the restraint of the military now and perhaps even the capitol police, to prevent Trump from invoking the insurrection act. He expected counter protesters and none showed up, that and shooting would have provided the pretext to invoke it and clean out the capitol for "security" reasons, thus delaying the certification. The morons who invaded the capitol had no plan and no path to victory, unless the insurrection act was declared and then many of them might have become victims.

I said for the cost of these plane and that is in the billions each, it wouldn't take much money to improve things dramatically there.
The stated cost of an F-35 is about $80M. With the sport-touring package, extended warranty and a Premium Tactical
Armaments assortment, double that.

So the pair is about 1/3 of a billion.

To use the Beltway Bandit expression, not even “real money”.
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