Well-Known Member
?linkWay More police were killed/injured by clinton/Biden shills during the BLM riots than jan 6th.
?linkWay More police were killed/injured by clinton/Biden shills during the BLM riots than jan 6th.
I was met with the same reply when I personally saw young black men that I knew (personally) lighting trash cans on fire and smashing windows in Michigan after the BLM protest.Are you serious? I've lived here all my life including in the middle of where the riots took place for 14 years. I've walked the streets, drank in the brewpubs, went to festivals on the waterfront, dinner at Ruths Chris for decades. I know the city from one end to the other. I think I'm qualified to tell who was who and who was doing what.
Yes, I am serious. I also don’t believe that you could tell at a glance. I asked you how, and you gave me some vague bad logic. I’m wagering you walked by dozens of false-flaggers and thought they were on your side.
FAKE NEWS !Way More police were killed/injured by clinton/Biden shills during the BLM riots than jan 6th.
why didn't you make a citizens arrest Mr Law and Odor party?I was met with the same reply when I personally saw young black men that I knew (personally) lighting trash cans on fire and smashing windows in Michigan after the BLM protest.
ThisSaying that the protests in Portland was a bunch of right-wing provocateurs is not accurate. Those on the right say the same thing about the Capitol riot. Claiming it was left-wing operatives that turned a peaceful protest into a violent one. I don't believe either.
I assume your talking about me. That's totally cool. You can imagine it was all hard line, right wing, whites. Im sure some were. But I know for fact what I saw.Id waste my time on calling bullshit on the last couple posts (well not anymore but the last couple before the one right above this), but I generally am just ignored by you guys when I take the time to point out all the right wing fucknuts getting arrested for their use of the social justice protests to do violence in our cities.
You must have me confused with someone else.why didn't you make a citizens arrest Mr Law and Odor party?
if i personally saw people (black, white or purple), personally lighting shit on fire, i'd personally citizens arrest them (personally)You must have me confused with someone else.
The repubpukes have kompromat on AlanHe is slinging hard-right disinformation. I guess that reveals his colors.
Senior Homeland Security leaders pushed unfounded antifa conspiracy at 2020 Portland protests, report states
A damning Department of Homeland Security internal report outlines how senior leadership pushed unfounded conspiracies about antifascists, encouraged staff to violate constitutional rights, and made spurious connections between protesters who engaged in criminal activity during last summer'
vs that
Portland Police Declare a Riot After Right-Wing Marchers Begin Beating Antifascists with Flag Poles
Homeland Security officers fired pepper balls into a crowd of leftist
Okay, if you weren't getting your face stomped, you would be dead. There were hundreds of people, fueled off adrenalin. I also saw a car running people over and several cars shooting pistols in the air in the midst of the fires. I believe you, Rkymtn Rittenhouse.if i personally saw people (black, white or purple), personally lighting shit on fire, i'd personally citizens arrest them (personally)
Considering the very uneven treatment protesters were getting from the police in direct contrast to supremacist militia, that picture does not inform.Those links don't prove anything. The people tearing up the city were camped out downtown. They had barbecues and food carts etc... They were not right wing.
These are the people that were causing the damage.
Considering the very uneven treatment protesters were getting from the police in direct contrast to supremacist militia, that picture does not inform.
As long as we don’t rein in the false flag Klans and sympathetic police, count on it.Whatever. Not worth squabbling about. The riots have stopped and I'd rather forget about them while I can because guaranteed there will be more.
Bullshit. You’ve posted pure MAGA.I’m with @xtsho, at least in that it wasn’t ALL right-wingers posing as leftists.
I lived in P-town for 14 years and I’m sure some of my old friends/acquaintances would have been vandalizing some things out of frustration, though not many I know would cop to it. Heat of the moment, fascist cops violating rights, etc. can cause things to hit a boiling point. I also have friends targeted by roving trucks of Proud Boys, and who were illegally detained by police for filming them (the police).
I’m very much anti-Trump and anti-fascist, and that doesn’t mean I simply just blame everything on Trump or fascists.