Female seeds from a clone?

A couple of years ago I gave an LSD clone to a friend. I bumped into him again a few months ago, and when I asked him how he got on, he told me that he'd grown it in his backyard and that it had gone to seed, and he asked me if I wanted it back and (no bullshit people) I got 600 seeds off of it. I've given 15 to a friend, 25 to someone that I met online, another 25 to an old girlfriend and recently sent 100 to the girlfriend of a grower I know in Te Aroha. I also sent her 10 regular Buddha seeds because I'm not that keen on having to grow them indoors for 12-16 weeks plus having to look out for males as well. My old girlfriend gave me a seedling back that is a female and this started me thinking, that because that clone came from a cutting off the mother, which was grown from a feminised seed, then it may be that all of the 415 remaining seeds are females too. Can anyone tell me if this could be true or not?
It's unlikley
Feminized seeds can be made using a few different techniques. But not from growing a clone from a fem seed. I'd be wondering where the pollen came from. If he stressed the plant it could have pollinated itself in which case you could end up with (mostly) females but bad genetics more prone to Hermie traits without stressors
If it was pollinated with a male the seeds are m and f
If pollinated with a female plant that's been sprayed using whatever gibbrilic acid or colloidal silver those male flowers would produce proper fem seeds if used to pollinate another female.
Hope that helps.
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A couple of years ago I gave an LSD clone to a friend. I bumped into him again a few months ago, and when I asked him how he got on, he told me that he'd grown it in his backyard and that it had gone to seed, and he asked me if I wanted it back and (no bullshit people) I got 600 seeds off of it. I've given 15 to a friend, 25 to someone that I met online, another 25 to an old girlfriend and recently sent 100 to the girlfriend of a grower I know in Te Aroha. I also sent her 10 regular Buddha seeds because I'm not that keen on having to grow them indoors for 12-16 weeks plus having to look out for males as well. My old girlfriend gave me a seedling back that is a female and this started me thinking, that because that clone came from a cutting off the mother, which was grown from a feminised seed, then it may be that all of the 415 remaining seeds are females too. Can anyone tell me if this could be true or not?
Not impossible but fairly improbable. It's more likely the original clone you gave your friend was pollinated by some random male in a close enough proximity the good old fashioned way. I'd happily accept seeds to help you test your theory though ;)
Only way to see is start a bunch take cuts flower them and cull anything you don't like. Pheno hunt through it. It's usually why people stay away from bag seed. It could be good. But it could also be bad. Lol. F1 crosses are highly unstable pheno wise. It's like 2 totally mixed race people have a kid together. The kid could.have dark or light skin etc etc same idea. If both parents have a recessive gene it can become dominant in some phenos whether it's good or bad. You could hunt through all 600 of those seeds to find maybe a handful of beans that even remotely resembled the parent. Through selective breeding and backcrossing through generations is the way to get more stable reliable genetics. That's why you pay for good seeds. Generally the breeders are doing that work for you if they aren't just chucking pollen
It's unlikley
Feminized seeds can be made using a few different techniques. But not from growing a clone from a fem seed. I'd be wondering where the pollen came from. If he stressed the plant it could have pollinated itself in which case you could end up with (mostly) females but bad genetics more prone to Hermie traits without stressors
If it was pollinated with a male the seeds are m and f
If pollinated with a female plant that's been sprayed using whatever gibbrilic acid or colloidal silver those male flowers would produce proper fem seeds if used to pollinate another female.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for your quick reply. I like to think that I'm a pretty experienced grower my self so until I know different I'm going to treat all of the remaining seeds as possible females. I'm going to be giving more of them away to friends and friends of friends, the only criteria being that they live in NZ..Although I've told heaps of people about the success of being able to get seeds online you won't meet many if any at all who buy seeds anyway, because the attitude here is, 'Buy seeds? Piss off mate if I want seeds I'll just go round to see the cuzzie and get em for nothing!!. I live in a fairly backward country where there are not many people in my age group of 65 (+) who even have a cell phone let alone a smartphone or have access to the internet, who were brought up watching TV1 or TV2 and who still watch Coronation Street religiously every night and if they watch the news at all it's only NZ news they watch because if it's not happening in their own neighborhood they're just not interested. In fact, I've actually met quite a few people in Christchurch who are in their 90's who have never been outside of Christchurch for the whole of their lives. Never been over Cook Strait to the North Island, and wouldn't go there anyway because of all the things they've heard about it.
I gotta ask
Did you actually count 415 seeds :o
Yes not that I need them because I've got a bit of a glut of seeds at the moment with enough to probably outlive me. The main reason I've been giving them away is because imo all kiwis should have equal opportunity and be able to get their hands on weed grown from much better quality genetics. Anyway there are not many people like me in this country mate because most of the people I've ever met are either users and takers, not givers and sharers
Not impossible but fairly improbable. It's more likely the original clone you gave your friend was pollinated by some random male in a close enough proximity the good old fashioned way. I'd happily accept seeds to help you test your theory though ;)
Are you a kiwi?
Keep in mine If female plants undergo rodelization, the seeds will be female. If the plant popped nanners in late flower though, you wouldn't get that many mature seeds.

Chances are with that amount of seeds she copped a fat load.
Thanks for your quick reply. I like to think that I'm a pretty experienced grower my self so until I know different I'm going to treat all of the remaining seeds as possible females. I'm going to be giving more of them away to friends and friends of friends, the only criteria being that they live in NZ..Although I've told heaps of people about the success of being able to get seeds online you won't meet many if any at all who buy seeds anyway, because the attitude here is, 'Buy seeds? Piss off mate if I want seeds I'll just go round to see the cuzzie and get em for nothing!!. I live in a fairly backward country where there are not many people in my age group of 65 (+) who even have a cell phone let alone a smartphone or have access to the internet, who were brought up watching TV1 or TV2 and who still watch Coronation Street religiously every night and if they watch the news at all it's only NZ news they watch because if it's not happening in their own neighborhood they're just not interested. In fact, I've actually met quite a few people in Christchurch who are in their 90's who have never been outside of Christchurch for the whole of their lives. Never been over Cook Strait to the North Island, and wouldn't go there anyway because of all the things they've heard about it.
That many seeds means it was either pollinated by a male close by or it hermied. Either way they're almost certainly not feminized.