Im all kinds of fuckd up

In all seriousness though, you should learn too have a laugh once in a while nitty lol.

I've been fed a lot of shit here too, I just have a laugh about it, feed some back and move on.

OP seems to have thick skin so I think he'll do well here if he pops back
I just don't like the nitpicking about everything
Do you have rust spots popping up on leaves as well?
I'd say it's locked out and calcium uptake has slowed to a halt. Have you access to a pH pen? A soil slurry test is the best bet if
I just don't like the nitpicking about everything
The Nittypicking I hear you say?
Ill prob get kickd out or sumthn for ths shit lmao but Goodlookn out i honestly didnt kno wht to do n u got other ppl on hrr worried bout how sumbdy txt instead of actually helping me with my problem i got on here to ask for help with my plants not my grammer or English lmao na but forreal tho goodlookn out

Lmfao. Homie just wanted a lil advice, the grammer nazi's come out the woodworks on ya!
Yea man im tryn like i said n the beginning u kno i did tht dumbass light shit on top of i got ths leaf issue tht i have no clue wht it is i thought ths was gon b the best crop yet jus bought tht floraflex $800 the rest of my nute line $200 thn these prob if it wasnt for bad luck wouldnt have no luck i just got my prong soil ph tester the last water phd at like 5.7ph witch i thought would b pretty good cn as how i bn runnin 7.7ph water so a flush wit low ph water i hope in turn lowered the ph of my soil
Do you have rust spots popping up on leaves as well?
I'd say it's locked out and calcium uptake has slowed to a halt. Have you access to a pH pen? A soil slurry test is the best bet if

The Nittypicking I hear you say?
Yea i jus got my prong soil ph tester and i got a ph tester the other day n like i said my tap water was 7.7ph n thts wht thy bn getn so the shit i gave yest was like 5.7ph tryn flush the soil ph idk if it works like tht or not im guessn at ths point n not tryn blow lota money doin tht
Yes sir lmao thy sure did like crackheads out the cut

If this makes ya feel better, I recently went out of town, ended up having a power outage for a night, and my plants were in the dark for a 12 hour light cycle so about 34-38hrs of darkness. Left them on the same schedule when the power came on. Don't sweat it.