Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Grape Cake, smoking member berry joint and some banana og.
I took my meds already.
We’re pretty sick but we have all three shots.
Watching Perry and Paul and Della before I pass out.
I love lemon.

Feel better, and the good news is you'll be "super boosted" after this, they say.

The covid numbers are absolutely insane here right now, and the scary part is the college kids are gone home, so it will probably get worse when they return. Yikes!!
Your dog’s name is whiskey? I’ve a friend with like 5 kids and we were all at the pool.
The youngest one, approximately 5, yells “hey PATRON COME DOWN HERE”. I played it cool like I didn’t hear her. Get down there, she’s singing patron patron patron, I need my patron. :cool:
I mean he will fill you a glass of slobber if you want... he is a leaner and a hugger.

Pool parties and alcohol, o.O I am not so brave!!!