Examples of GOP Leadership

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

WHO elected this fucking retarded cunt? a "national divorce" ?...that's called secession, and the last time anyone tried it, we had a "civil" war...
a cooling off period? what the fuck is wrong with this person? there are laws for a reason, and she is that reason...now the fucking moronic pinheads in georgia have put her in a position where she may be able to change some of those laws? maybe the "national divorce" thing isn't such a bad idea...lets give them nevada, arizone, new mexico, and texas...then shut their water off, close the borders, embargo EVERYTHING they try to import, and use the navy to blockade their ports. as soon as they all die of thirst, or are shot by their compatriots, the rest of us can move on with evolution


Well-Known Member

WHO elected this fucking retarded cunt? a "national divorce" ?...that's called secession, and the last time anyone tried it, we had a "civil" war...
a cooling off period? what the fuck is wrong with this person? there are laws for a reason, and she is that reason...now the fucking moronic pinheads in georgia have put her in a position where she may be able to change some of those laws? maybe the "national divorce" thing isn't such a bad idea...lets give them nevada, arizone, new mexico, and texas...then shut their water off, close the borders, embargo EVERYTHING they try to import, and use the navy to blockade their ports. as soon as they all die of thirst, or are shot by their compatriots, the rest of us can move on with evolution
she's got it a little twisted around; people are moving FROM red to blue not the other way around. who wants to move to a backwater state where you can't be sure your vote will count, have no services and Saturday night when the 'boys ride'?

this is what they want.

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Well-Known Member
she's got it a little twisted around; people are moving FROM red to blue not the other way around. who wants to move to a backwater state where you can't be sure your vote will count, have no services and Saturday night when the 'boys ride'?

this is what they want.

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Greater Idaho hasn't informed the State of Jefferson it's claiming their territory.


Well-Known Member
I kinda laugh at the republicans attempts to rewrite history and ban books from libraries, how 20th century! History is written by historians and journalists and we all know the narrative, mostly liberal women teach history in schools. These days a teacher can assign a class any number of online resources, YouTube videos for instance, that they can do for homework and write a report on. Who gives a shit about "approved school texts anymore? Increasingly teachers are teaching this way and stepping outside the established norms using the limitless resources the internet provides.

CRT might be useful as a political ploy, but these clowns are sunk at the start line. Their kids will know that their parents are fucking idiots and that Trump is a traitor and an asshole! :lol:



Well-Known Member
I kinda laugh at the republicans attempts to rewrite history and ban books from libraries, how 20th century! History is written by historians and journalists and we all know the narrative, mostly liberal women teach history in schools. These days a teacher can assign a class any number of online resources, YouTube videos for instance, that they can do for homework and write a report on. Who gives a shit about "approved school texts anymore? Increasingly teachers are teaching this way and stepping outside the established norms using the limitless resources the internet provides.

CRT might be useful as a political ploy, but these clowns are sunk at the start line. Their kids will know that their parents are fucking idiots and that Trump is a traitor and an asshole! :lol:

View attachment 5057149
Well, no. CRT is an effort to bring systemic injustice to light. That’s more than a ploy.


Well-Known Member
Well, no. CRT is an effort to bring systemic injustice to light. That’s more than a ploy.
CRT is a ploy for the republicans, they are the ones making hay with it and banning books. Actual CRT (to the extent it exists) can be taught online and will be, as I outlined. It is an attempt to censor history and it's not a new phenomena in the American South or for history in general. The internet makes that task more difficult with the online resources (many are liberal in nature and outlook) as teachers increasing use these resources in class. The tried to ban porn from red states (who are the biggest consumers), but the internet makes it moot. The same principle will hold true for the content of school books, they are in most cases obsolete and the kicker is online content is free, books cost money.


Well-Known Member
CRT is a ploy for the republicans, they are the ones making hay with it and banning books. Actual CRT (to the extent it exists) can be taught online and will be, as I outlined. It is an attempt to censor history and it's not a new phenomena in the American South or for history in general. The internet makes that task more difficult with the online resources (many are liberal in nature and outlook) as teachers increasing use these resources in class. The tried to ban porn from red states (who are the biggest consumers), but the internet makes it moot. The same principle will hold true for the content of school books, they are in most cases obsolete and the kicker is online content is free, books cost money.
Perhaps a definition is in order. I am using the term CRT to say “there is systemic racism built into our civic institutions.” If this creates a disconnect, please tell me.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps a definition is in order. I am using the term CRT to say “there is systemic racism built into our civic institutions.” If this creates a disconnect, please tell me.
There is and that is the premise of the academic theory, but it is not taught in schools. The republicans latched onto it as part of the culture wars and if you check You'll see the term mention on Foxnews quite a bit, it's the latest thing to whip up the base, humans have an ancient innate propensity to defend their perceived culture and this is used to incite subconscious tribalism. 100, 000 years ago culture was (and still is) the software than ran on our mental hardware and included mythologies, language and survival skills, it was worth defending with your life, because it meant your life. This usually took the form of defending the tribe of clan against other tribes and clans, we have an ability to shut down empathy for the "other" to make it easier for us to kill them.

This is the psychology of mass manipulation the republicans and foxnews use, along with fear, they enrage to enrage their audience and when we are angry and fearful our perspective narrows and our empathy is lowered. Once they get them worked up about an imaginary "problem", they feed them the narrative and blow the dog whistle along the way. History plays a big part in all this drama and it's importance is emphasized by those who attempt to rewrite it for political purposes or to hide shame and guilt. When humans fell threatened or have a big problem, they band together, organize and come up with a plan. America is polarized politically and the republican's plan is to cheat steal and bludgeon their way into power and once there, to destroy democracy so that they stay there.


Well-Known Member
There is and that is the premise of the academic theory, but it is not taught in schools. The republicans latched onto it as part of the culture wars and if you check You'll see the term mention on Foxnews quite a bit, it's the latest thing to whip up the base, humans have an ancient innate propensity to defend their perceived culture and this is used to incite subconscious tribalism. 100, 000 years ago culture was (and still is) the software than ran on our mental hardware and included mythologies, language and survival skills, it was worth defending with your life, because it meant your life. This usually took the form of defending the tribe of clan against other tribes and clans, we have an ability to shut down empathy for the "other" to make it easier for us to kill them.

This is the psychology of mass manipulation the republicans and foxnews use, along with fear, they enrage to enrage their audience and when we are angry and fearful our perspective narrows and our empathy is lowered. One they get them worked up about an imaginary "problem", they feed them the narrative and blow the dog whistle along the way. History plays a big part in all this drama and it's importance is emphasized by those who attempt to rewrite it for political purposes or to hide shame and guilt. When humans fell threatened or have a big problem, they band together, organize and come up with a plan. America is polarized politically and the republican's plan is to cheat steal and bludgeon their way into power and once there, to destroy democracy so that they stay there.
At some point this knowledge should (my opinion) yield a countertactic. It’s sobering to realize I’m living in prehistory. As I like my alcohol, that is a negative feature.


Well-Known Member
Without the "glue" of Trump, who is paradoxically the great divider, the MAGATS would fly apart. We are dealing with mostly fear driven antisocial personalities and they all believe different things and some pretty weird shit. Trump and racism are the glue that holds the core of the modern republican party together. "They is taken over"! is their battle cry, the same rationalization Dillion Roof used when he mass murdered black people in a church and got treated to a burger by the racist cops on his way to jail.

How MAGA Media Dead-Enders Fought for Scraps in Trump’s Wake

With Trump out of office, 2021 was the year bad blood boiled over into legal and personal threats among some of the most eccentric MAGA world figures.


Well-Known Member
I can see why Barr would be upset, by having to sit for a deposition for the shit he tried to pull. The DOJ won't do anything, but Cohen could be in for a big payday and Barr will have to answer uncomfortable questions under oath. Trump clearly abused the power of the state for political and personal reasons, there should be plenty of witnesses and documents proving it.