And sometimes you shouldn't share it.
I grew up in an predominantly black neighborhood. I got jumped a few times. I've had a gun pointed at my head. I've been sucker punched from behind. I have a bunch of other examples I could share but you get my point.
All of these people had the same skin color. As Cat said, situationally induced prejudice can arise. I do watch my six a little more if approaching a group of young black men more than I would young white men. Its my experience in life and that's not wrong. But saying what you said about a group as a whole based on their skin color is flagrantly racist.
Whos tender besides the OP? I was simply pointing out a racist comment and bringing up race when race has nothing to do with anything on the topic is just that.. I would have said the same if it were a black man, and race was irrelevant and they brought it up. I cannot control what "people" say. But I can control what I say and I was curious to what the fuck that had to do with anything.
Do you have a point? Or are you just trying to stir up shit? Legit question.