I had been taking care of her ever since I moved out of my apartment. None of my uncles helped with anything, it was just me and mom trying to sort it all out. Grandma refused to go into a home and Texas law wouldn't let us put her in one without a Dr saying she should be in one. And she would lie to the Dr about how bad she actually was.
She has bad dementia and then she developed a fistula and she's now been in hospice since 2019 I think?
I was working full time and taking care of her. She was basically bed ridden but wouldn't admit it, I was having to do everything for her. She was up all night long due to the dementia too, basically every 2 hours like clockwork.
I'm still not quite over the insomnia from having to see what she wanted at 12am, 2am, 4am every day.