Who remembers the 60's?

This is a great list of pointers to music of the time frame.

I don't pretend to remember the '60s. I was a kid. I remember the '70s though. That was fun. I got to pretend I was a child of the '60s and play in the '70s.

Sex and drugs and rock and roll. Holy s*** I love the '70s.

The 2020s suck. My personal condition is pretty good at the moment but you people are f*****.
I don't pretend to remember the '60s. I was a kid. I remember the '70s though. That was fun. I got to pretend I was a child of the '60s and play in the '70s.
Funny…I was born in ‘51, and I remember A LOT of the ‘50s - some of it in too much clarity and detail…yeah, I was a kid, too…maybe I just wasn’t tuned out, I dunno