

Well-Known Member
Mine, for now, is Peter DeFazio in the House. He's calling it quits next year.

Peter DeFazio won his last election by something like 20,000 votes. His opponent then was Alex Skarlatos, of the Qanon type Republicans. Skarlatos will probably run again in 2022 and House Republicans think they can take the district.

Here's a bit about Skarlatos:

" late January 2021, Skarlatos did share his thoughts on the Capitol riot in an interview with conservative media organization Newsmax: “Honestly, I just thought that the liberal media was going to use this for the next six months to demonize Trump supporters, and it looks like that is exactly what they’re planning on doing.”

Skarlatos later adds that what “bothered” him about the Jan. 6 incident was that social media was trying to shut down “the other side,” rather than let people have a healthy debate. "

(resigned profanity)


Well-Known Member
Manchin is worse than a Trumper.
He stabed all the fellow Democrats the the back & he talks about bi-partnership?
Fuck the GOP, doesn't he understand that Republicans want all the Democrats dead.
And he wants to talk to those fucking mongrels?
He a fucking self-delusional bitch.
No mercy
Do this Nation a favor.
Shoot on sight.
Yea, I know
That's not right to feel that way
Too fucking bad
I mean it
I'm not going to defend him. He's as corrupt and greedy at they get.

We got a lot done because Democrats held the Senate this year. I don't think a Republican controlled Senate is preferable, so I can't agree.


Well-Known Member
Manchin is worse than a Trumper.
He stabed all his fellow Democratic Senators/Congresspeople the the back & he talks about bi-partnership?
Fuck the GOP, doesn't he understand that Republicans want all the Democrats dead.
And he wants to talk to those fucking mongrels?
He a fucking self-delusional bitch.
No mercy for Republicans, none, zilch
Do this Nation a favor.
Shoot on sight.
Yea, I know
That's not right to feel that way
Too fucking bad
I mean it
I've never claimed to be a fan of Manchin. I'm just saying that the democrats have squeezed all they they can from that bag and need to move on.


Well-Known Member
Mine, for now, is Peter DeFazio in the House. He's calling it quits next year.

Peter DeFazio won his last election by something like 20,000 votes. His opponent then was Alex Skarlatos, of the Qanon type Republicans. Skarlatos will probably run again in 2022 and House Republicans think they can take the district.

Here's a bit about Skarlatos:

" late January 2021, Skarlatos did share his thoughts on the Capitol riot in an interview with conservative media organization Newsmax: “Honestly, I just thought that the liberal media was going to use this for the next six months to demonize Trump supporters, and it looks like that is exactly what they’re planning on doing.”

Skarlatos later adds that what “bothered” him about the Jan. 6 incident was that social media was trying to shut down “the other side,” rather than let people have a healthy debate. "

That seat will remain Democrat.


Well-Known Member
If you drive him out of the democratic party the democrats lose control of the Senate and all the committees.
They lost it already apparently.
Manchin has been hacking away at that bill since September, reducing it from $ 3 Trillion which everyone else wanted to 1.9 Trillion and when he gets what he asked for, he fucks the Dems anyway.
We don't have a Democrat from W. Virgina
He's a fuckng Republican
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Well-Known Member
Please expand upon how to move on.
Well to start maybe go back 4 decades when both parties used to compromise. At least stuff got done. Now it's this side or that side. No compromise. Nothing but voting against the other party. With only 2 parties that leads to gridlock and a dysfunctional government. One of the unforeseen problems when the founding father were writing the articles of government. I think there was a belief that there would be numerous political factions and not the 2 parties we have today.


Well-Known Member
Democrats aren't monolithic, they encompass a wide range of people and beliefs. A Democrat in WV is different than one in WA, which is different than one in Texas. Liberal relative to their local counterparts.

Republicans are much easier to please on a national level.


Well-Known Member
Well to start maybe go back 4 decades when both parties used to compromise. At least stuff got done. Now it's this side or that side. No compromise. Nothing but voting against the other party. With only 2 parties that leads to gridlock and a dysfunctional government. One of the unforeseen problems when the founding father were writing the articles of government. I think there was a belief that there would be numerous political factions and not the 2 parties we have today.
While I think I agree with your basic premise, my request was for more of a roadmap.

I agree that the current gridlock between advocates of a republic and MAGA-branded authoritarians is a difficult place to be. My best policy forward is to support the seemingly more egalitarian party, right up until it isn’t.


Well-Known Member
That seat will remain Democrat.
So they say.


My district is the 4th (Eugene is in it). It looks like they cut out some of the reddest parts of of the 4th from 2020 and moved them into the already red 2nd district. So, yeah, 538 predicts it will go Democrat. Not a whopping margin but a reasonably safe one for now. A lot depends on who Democrats choose in the primary.

The last election was much closer, what with the rednecks from Klamath in my district at the time. Gerrymandering sucks except when it doesn't.


Well-Known Member
and that will surely cost them at the polls in 2022
Are you tripping?
They ain't going lose shit.
Too many brain damaged miscreants that still love Trump & they are a force to contend with (Trump is the leading for the nomination of the GOP & if he ran right now, he would win.
No doubt in my mind
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Well-Known Member
So they say.

View attachment 5051387

My district is the 4th (Eugene is in it). It looks like they cut out some of the reddest parts of of the 4th from 2020 and moved them into the already red 2nd district. So, yeah, 538 predicts it will go Democrat. Not a whopping margin but a reasonably safe one for now. A lot depends on who Democrats choose in the primary.

The last election was much closer, what with the rednecks from Klamath in my district at the time. Gerrymandering sucks except when it doesn't.
You live in W. Virginia?
Sorry :(